30 Day Video Game Music Challenge

Friend sent me this on the discord and said aint not way I would stick to it

Spite is a powerful motivator and you bet I did hard mode for double spite which is no repeat games. To me that means not putting something like MGS1 in multiple slots, not multiple games from a franchise.


Day 3: 8Bit Music

World 1-1
Day 30: Credits music

Ending theme
Day 21: Music You Associate with Frustration

Death Egg Robot
Day 8: Music from a Shooter (first or third person)

Day 18: Music Released in the Year You Were born

Terra's Theme
Day 15: Boss Battle Music

Battle with Magus
Day 16: 16bit Music

Day 27: Music from a handheld game

S.S. Anne
Day 17: Music You Never Get Tired Of

Metal Gear Solid Main Theme
Day 2: First Level Music

Day 6: Music That Relaxes You

Frontier Village Dali
Day 24: Music You Constantly have Stuck in Your Head

Delfino Plaza
Day 20: Music From a Racing Game

DK Mountain
Day 25: Music that Gets you Pumped

Proof of a Hero
Day 4: Console Exclusive series

Nightclub music

I didn't know if this meant its just never been on pc or its an exclusive to one console brand. This fits both either way
Day 10: RPG Battle Music

Day 28: Music that makes you nostalgic

Super Survivor
Day 11: Puzzle Game Music

Still Alive
Day 23: Underrated Music

The Ultimate Weapon
Day 13: Music you Like in a game you don't

Aspertia City
Day 14: Music with Vocals

Day 9: Music from a Licensed game

VS Gojira
Day 29: Final Boss Music

A Scattered Moment
Day 26: Music you like from a game you haven't played

Field of Hopes and Dreams
Day 7: Music from an Indie game

Debris and Bugs

I don't really know what classifies as an indie these days


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