Tangysphere's Terribly Named Video Game List 2.5 Alp;ha XX Plus R presented by Backloggd

Word salads, crimes against punctuation, keyboard smashing and a sprinkling of 'what were they thinking?'

Some people like this title. I am not some people.
Suggested by AlwaysBetOnDunc

Yes, we know what console you're for...
I can't help it, I just disapprove of poor semi colon usage
Is it pronounced XX, or should it be 20, or 2X? What the hell is an Accent Core? Why do we need two differentiators for this being an expanded version of the base game?
Square Enix really didn't want to remind you that the other FFXIII games exist, huh? Let's switch the titles around as well so it's hard to find and sort the three games in the series properly
Logically true that the GBA release of SMB3 is the fourth installment of the SMA series but it really didn't have to be this way
In case you didn't know it was already the game of the movie from the director's name in the title, 'The Official Game of the Movie' will assuage your fears
Random words plucked from the dictionary
A catch all for every non-mainline Kingdom Hearts title
Duodecim means twelve. So the game's already pretty meaningless title is actually Dissidia 012: 12 Final Fantasy
This is wordy enough but the European name takes the biscuit - Disney's Action Game featuring Hercules
Just gets progressively worse as you move onto each new syllable
I just don't know why they didn't use Stand instead, it's actually a turn of phrase that exists.
At least the quality of the game matches the title so you're not missing out on much
No, the subtitle does not save it
So many crimes here. You already have two words slammed together melded with another random one for the main title, but then you have some bizarre semi-colon usage followed by a 1 which is an odd designation for the first game in the series anyway, but here there's no space between it and previous word.

The only part I don't dislike here is the Plus
I get it, you want to add a subtitle to your game so it's not just Star Ocean 5 but at least choose words that flow well on their own, let along together.
The only real words here are 'knell' and 'of'. Apparently the other made up words might mean something to people who've played games in the series before. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue though.
It's meant to be short for Dictionary but they had to know, surely...
Meaningless and painfully bland
Someone at Konami saw this game title in 1994 and vowed to right a wrong when they were given the chance to work with the Metal Gear series in the future
Intentionally bad is still bad
It doesn't sound like you're going to be playing a fighting game, does it?
Are the Pikmin being shouted at as a warning? As a hello? Is this person just surprised to see some Pikmin? Feels like a misplaced exclamation mark or an attempt to make 'Hey!' a series.
Is it unfair to base this on the hero's name being bad? I say no as they chose to put that front and centre so I'd say it's fair game.

You have the most unthreatening first name possible combined with the complete lack of imagination and ambition in the surname. Quick, what's the main defining feature of a cheetah - yes, of course, fur. Presumably he also has Gaelic heritage?
I have a level of respect for AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity as while it's both the sound a person would make while falling very very far it's also a cheeky attempt to get to the top of alphabetical lists on storefronts

This one just tries too hard
The game has a great theme song but that's all the title was good for. Lost into the ether on release, not even a decent acronym. Obviously they learnt their lesson with Rocket League.
The hashtag is bad enough but the acronym (standing for I Drew A Red Box) is also really awkward and not particularly fun to say
Straddling the very fine line between awful and brilliant
Random capitals and a hashtag. What's even more stupid so that this is apparently the dev's stylised way of saying Hotaru no Nikki, which means The Firefly Diary.

So... The Firefly Diary: The Firefly Diary?
I'm glad we're told that this is presented to us by Golf Magazine, otherwise I was expecting a very different kind of game
They knew
For the player who really, really likes war
Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf, or Lee Trevino is Fighting Golf? It's a moot point, there's no fighting in the game, just golf.


2 years ago




9 months ago

Great list! I found the title of That Night, Steeped by Blood River so compelling that it inspired one of my longest lists. It's just close enough to normal English to be uncanny.

9 months ago

Oh yeah and what about NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... (the ellipsis is part of it)?

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