I really wanted to love this game but it just never seemed to click with me. I love the music and art style, and the combat is pretty fun for the most part. But I found the majority of the gameplay overly repetitive and the story and characters did nothing for me.

Fuck the Temple of the Ocean King.

I haven’t played this game for weeks and I can’t bear even the thought of going back to it. It’s so dull and insubstantial. I’d rather play almost anything else. It’s very pretty, but that’s all I can say for it.

I just don’t think I like the Zelda games as much as I wish I did

This feels more like the chaotic successor to Smooth Moves I always wanted. A really fun time.

Simply incredible. It’s been almost 10 years and I’m still playing.

I absolutely adored everything about this expansion. The story, setting, characters, music, and boss fights rank among some of the best in the entire FF series for me. It was a huge step-up from A Realm Reborn and I loved every minute of it.


Simply one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played. I only wish it were longer.

The environments, music, and characters are nothing short of stellar, probably among my favourites in all of Final Fantasy. But the story and quests are lacking, they feel more on par with ARR and definitely a step down from Heavensward, which is a shame. It’s good, and great in many ways, but also disappointing in a lot of ways.

Probably my second favourite game in the anthology so far, after House of Ashes. I understand that these games aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but for those of us who do enjoy them Supermassive do a good job of mixing up the formula and adding new gameplay elements each time, so I can honestly say I haven’t yet found these games to be boring or repetitive, I’m still invested and very excited for season two. I also found this one to be the scariest so far, so I have very few complaints save for a few technical issues I encountered.

This game is so fun and adorable, and the little references to PlayStation franchises made me feel really nostalgic.

A really great JRPG that stumbles a little in its penultimate level. By that point I was already hugely invested in the game’s world and main cast of characters, and massively enjoying the combat, so I wanted to see it through to the end no matter what, but the story never quite gripped me like I wanted it to.

Absolutely destroyed me emotionally 11/10

Simply one of the best games of all time. I only wish I’d played it sooner.

I enjoyed this a ton! I was a huge fan of Until Dawn but I hadn’t tried Dark Pictures before now, and I absolutely loved this. I was genuinely surprised by how unforgiving some of the QTEs were and how some choices led to unexpected and interesting outcomes. I’ll definitely give this another few playthroughs, and try the other games in the anthology too.