Simply one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played. I only wish it were longer.

This game’s overworld, music, and cast of characters are absolutely stellar. Unfortunately, the combat and story are more lacking. I stayed invested because I loved the characters and their world so much, but the story is quite weak for FF, and the combat feels messy and insubstantial. Still a really solid game overall though.

This game is so fun and adorable, and the little references to PlayStation franchises made me feel really nostalgic.

This game can be quite grindy and repetitive, but the art style and music are so beautiful, and the combat is so engaging and fun that I personally never got bored.

My favourite game of all time. Moving story, dynamic and likeable characters, a beautiful and interesting world, stunning music, and my favourite combat system in the FF series. A definite must-play.

Unironically and unapologetically love this game. It’s fun from the get-go and never stops being fun.

Simply incredible. It’s been almost 10 years and I’m still playing.

I absolutely adored everything about this expansion. The story, setting, characters, music, and boss fights rank among some of the best in the entire FF series for me. It was a huge step-up from A Realm Reborn and I loved every minute of it.

This review contains spoilers

I desperately wanted to love this game but it’s just okay. Bringing back Leliana when she can literally be killed in Origins is supremely stupid and just tells your audience you don’t care about the choices they make in your role-playing game. Also, Merrill should’ve been the one to assist the Inquisition with the eluvians, Morrigan was horrifically out of place, especially if your Inquisitor is Dalish. Otherwise, pretty decent game. The companions aren’t as interesting as the ones in Origins or II, but the environments are vast and beautiful (if a little empty sometimes) which is a welcome change from DAII. I’ve sunk 500+ hours into it, so it’s doing something right.

The environments, music, and characters are nothing short of stellar, probably among my favourites in all of Final Fantasy. But the story and quests are lacking, they feel more on par with ARR and definitely a step down from Heavensward, which is a shame. It’s good, and great in many ways, but also disappointing in a lot of ways.

This game lacked the absolutely chaotic energy of Smooth Moves but it was a great development of the microgame concept, giving each character unique abilities was inspired, even if I did ending up using the same 6-7 characters whenever I could. This game is just so much fun from beginning to end.

Absolutely destroyed me emotionally 11/10

Fuck the Temple of the Ocean King.

A really great JRPG that stumbles a little in its penultimate level. By that point I was already hugely invested in the game’s world and main cast of characters, and massively enjoying the combat, so I wanted to see it through to the end no matter what, but the story never quite gripped me like I wanted it to.

Simply one of the best games of all time. I only wish I’d played it sooner.