keep walkin, nothing to see here

all copies, new and old, come packaged with a gram

how else to play ps2 games but high

a hollow recreation of a genuinly great game made as an expansion of the most parasitic genre in gaming.

cool orcs, if you mention anything else to me, i blackout and find myslef covered in your bodily remains

Quite possibly the greatest game ever made. A big fish in a very small pond.

The one thing people don't try to rip off, is the most important part, that turns an excellent first person puzzle game into THE greatest game of all time.(Its the jokes)

fun game, shame about the story.

i have played this game for as long as it takes for some people to become doctors.


a lack of varied combat encounters, a pointless upgrade system, and stilted gunplay. pretty fun though.

i get that weapon degradation is needed to create pacing and tension, but i dont care. the master sword shouldnt have batteries.