the most solemn first person shooter i think i've played. great cast, memorable story. levels and equipment all made up a great sandbox. my personal favorite halo.

wish the landscapes felt as lush and decadent as world's but still a very smooth gameplay loop. movement has been made way easier so traversing across the map is a breeze.

for a game made in a year the music and characters are more thoughtful than they have any right to be. some of the boss fights are probably the weakest part of the game but everything else feels strong to play. this game definitely feels different than other games in the series so don't feel like this game will follow the same formula story wise.

i don't want to review every expac but i might. really well written story even though the base game drags the most. all of the classes feel good to play. definitely a play style for everyone here.

most well rounded zelda out there. its where the formula pretty much got its start and is rewarding for anyone on their first or fifth playthrough.

they took a great formula with BotW and added to it with the crafting mechanics. adding an underground section and new caves to explore was wise in adding to an already explored overworld.

this game is easily the second best top-down 2D zelda behind ALttP. lots of charming characters and colors crammed into a GBA cartridge.

best 3rd person shooter ever made. tight controls. fun story with a varied cast of enemies.

i like everything about this game except for the army war campaign. doesn't feel great to play unless you happen to pick one of the only good generals. other than that the characters are all interesting and the multitude of classes offer so many play styles. you can really create any character you can think of here. the music is really well done and the combat feels strong with the option to do real time or turn based.

great shooting, great characters, great story. i also love a good cowboy setting so this is all one perfect package.

leave it to nintendo to set the bar for the already saturated open-world category of games. game sets the story aside in favor of exploring every nook and cranny of a varied and expansive overworld.

you get to be a monster hunter who travels across a war torn country. the main story takes you to interesting locales with very memorable quests. use witcher senses to track different monsters and use all the tools in a witchers' arsenal to dispatch these creatures.

really solid title that doesn't really do anything too different in the series other than be the only game to have as dark of a tone as majora's mask.

very relaxing builder/adventuring game. fun nordic setting with a serene soundtrack to carry you through your viking adventures.

surprisingly strong story. lightsaber combat is no jedi academy but definitely gets the closest in terms of fun.