Reviews from

in the past

Insanely in depth combat for a 2d beat em up. Also crazy replay value and tons of unlockables, this game will keep you busy for a long time. Beautiful spritework and kick ass music too.

A shoddy mix of Excitebike and Bump 'n' Jump with mosnter trucks.

Gameplay is garbage in 2024 but story and atmosphere is cool

There aren't many things that can compare to what this was.
Rather than the game, the modding scene. An entire genre of videogames that topped the charts for almost a decade was created here. I have yet to see tower defenses half as cool as the ones people made here.
Every now and then I see someone releasing a game and I just go "Oh yeah that was a mod in warcraft III!". This was the precursor of so many things it's insane.

The story, which is for a children's game, tries to do some literal Watchmen level type-ish. I have no idea what this game was even about. Not when I was a kid and still not now as an adult. I will say, Black 2 thankfully simplified the story after this. I like how they stopped bringing old Pokémon back and decided to be bold sticking to an entirely new generation of Pokémon. I really like the Pokémon in this generation. Oshawatt, Zoroark, and Kyurem are especially Kino. Maybe it's bias, I have a more vivid memory of this generation because I was the target audience when the TV series was airing on Cartoon Network. So, It does have a special place in my memories. The gyms are great, new Pokémon rock, and the soundtrack is phenomenal (Driftveil n Castelia kino). However, the progression needs work. Still too much grinding and I always hated how the entire right side of the region is locked off as POST GAME CONTENT. Like nah, that's doing too much. Overall, this game was just ok. Over hated, though without a doubt, this is the generation that gave birth to "Genwunners." Still, I prefer it over Platinum.

I would say this is a 5 stars but they kind of created all the most hellish bullshit game abusing mechanics that are now everywhere.

The church has a long ass basement that goes to hell.
This is a joke about kids in churches.

Please help, I am hopelessly addicted to this game

I don’t get why so many people give this game a bad review I mean it’s a game made for toddlers what do you expect and it succeeds in what it try’s to achieve, making a playable peppa pig episode. My niece loved this so it was worth every penny

For me, the best entry on the series, the gameplay was well balanced

This feels like trying to play Solitaire in a mirror maze on a yoga ball while someone is trying to kill you

Nuke bomb blizzard after warctaft 3 frozen throne and the world would be a better place now.

After just literally rolling credits with over 135 hours with still hard mode and Chadley missions left. I have to say at this very moment, this is the greatest modern JRPG in the past 25 years. And one of my favorite games of all time. The jump from Remake to Rebirth is almost a quantum leap on how a sequel should be. Square Enix should stand up and take a bow for a masterclass of execution on not just how to remake a game, but creating an unforgettable experience for generations to come. My score: an undisputed 10/10.

Lot of flaws, bugs, horrible localization and almost non-existant QoL...

But I had fun with it and it's clearly made with Love so I don't care 🗿

Moving out e um otimo jogo para jogar com amigos ou sozinho como foi meu caso, ele possui otimas fases com cada uma sendo mais desafiadora que a outra fazendo você usar todas as suas habilidades de senhor das mudanças, dito tudo isto vamos para a pequena analise de moving out.

Para inciar vamos falar das fases que são excelentes e entregam muitas divercificação entre uma fase e outra, tem fases aonde você tem que tomar cuidado aonde pisa, tem fase aonde você precisa ser habilidoso no arremeço e tem ate fase aonde você e perceguido por fantasmas, o jogo tem muitos desafios extras para fazer nas fases pois alem de possuir as medalhas de tempo como bronze, prata, ouro e platina, o jogo tambem possui missoes extras como por exemplo passar uma fase inteira sem quebrar nenhuma janela e coisas desse tipo.

Agora algo ruim do jogo são as musicas que não sao ruins porem elas enjoam muito rapido fazendo você so diminuir o volume do jogo e ficar jogando ele com alguma outra musica de sua preferencia.

Por fim vou falar um poquinho da historia, bem pouquinho mesmo porque nem eu sabia que tinha uma ate chegar na ultima fase. Você e sua equipe de entregadores estão fasendo varias entregas pela cidade ate que alguem pede para você fazer uma entrega misteriosa mas chegando la você acaba descobrindo que quem tinha lhe pedido para fazer a entrega era os ratos e eles são seus maioires inimigos, então eles roubam todas as suas entregas e vão para o espaço em seu mega robo rato gigante, chegando la você tem que fazer a entrega final assim derrotando o grande rato que queria todas as entregas para ele mesmo, no fim você ganha a chave da cidade e isso e show de bola.

Nota: 8

They sould've stopped making games after this one.

Beautiful, mechanically dense kart racer for the real freaks out there. Eternally grateful Kart Krew stuck to their guns and made a game that's not just Mario Kart again.

The good for punching people online one.

This is without a doubt one of the best games ever made.
Played on a emulator of the WiiU on PC, the shit couldn't handle any degree of combat with more than 3 fps.
Still had a blast.
The only thing I dislike is how easy is to randomly play the piano and end up making the soundtrack of this.

É um game curto, que pra muitos poderá ser zerado em uma única jogatina. Mas isso esta longe de ser um ponto negativo aqui. Já que nessas poucas horas somos apresentados a uma beleza visual que juntamente as trilhas sonoras consegue tocar o coração do player.

No inicio a gameplay é um tanto monótona, mas conforme vamos adquirindo mais poderes ela vai ficando bem divertida. Principalmente da metade pra frente, aí o jogo ganha um escopo realmente maior de entretenimento e desafio também!

Inclusive a dificuldade em si é bem acessível, diria até que muito equilibrada. Você conseguirá resolver todos os puzzle sem apelar pro YouTube, alguns precisaram de mais agilidade nos botões, mas nada que um pouco de prática não resolva!

Gostei muito mais dessa experiência do que eu esperava a principio, recomendo!

Loved this game as a child, finally got to beat it on FightCade. Plot was cheesy as hell, but that's the intent. I wish it had a cover feature like Time Crisis.

It's a decent concept, taking the general Legend of Zelda combat and turning it into a series of stages. The difficulty gets ridiculous towards the back half, and overall the concept also runs out of steam after so many levels.

The only traditional fighting game I would enjoy since darkstalkers