Reviews from

in the past

A fresh take on Metroidvania with an awesome Hispanic theme. Juan’s journey to become a luchador, save his love, and save the world from an army of undead is a fairly short, sweet, and excellent time.

The love this game was made with is oozing out of every pixel. From the Hispanic influences, to the creative characters, to the clear love of video game it just pops everywhere. And when I say love for games I mean they put a parade of video game Easter eggs in the game. Just off the top of my head they had Final Fantasy, Mario, Metroid, Castle Crashers, Goat Simulator, Zelda, Castlevania, and Mega Man. I’m sure I’m missing some but the point is they have an obvious joy of the medium and it shows. That joy is contagious as I smiled every time I saw an easter egg.

The gameplay is fun and can be skilled based but doesn’t have to. You can beat this game easily without learning to use the moves to thier maximum value but if you take time to learn the combos you can become an ultimate luchador killing machine. I was impressed by the gameplay and had fun the entire way through the game.

The characters are fun as well as funny. From Juan, to the literal devil, to an old man that doubles as a goat, they are well written and a very good overall cast of characters.

I loved the Hispanic art and music throughout the game. It is so colorful even in the world of the dead and the music is surprisingly great throughout the entire game.

What I thought would be an ok game became an unforgettable Metroidvania that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys video games. Great game and excited for Guacmelee 2!

Here is where it landed on my Metroidvania list.

It also scraped its way into my top 100!

Western fans of JRPGs have a history of learning Japanese just so they can play games that never got a western release. The closest I'll ever come to that is looking up Spanish words that I wasn't familiar with so I could get all the jokes in Guacamelee.

The game is hilarious, with some of my favorite writing in any game I've ever played. The wrestling-based combat feels fresh and unique, so every fight is engaging. And it strikes that perfect backtracking balance for a Metroidvania, where you get to revisit old parts of the game with new abilities, but it's never a chore.

Not sure if this is a hot take or not but Guacamelee is one of my favorite Metroidvanias. Something I think a lot of MVs struggle with is how to make the backtracking feel good and not be tedious or confusing. Most games rely on your memory for where you need to backtrack to once you've gotten a new ability or item, Guacamelee fixes that by color-coding every ability and having clearly colored barriers on the map. So when you get your new "blue" ability, you can easily look at the map to double-check where you can access now. It's a supremely accessible Metroidvania in that regard. While the backtracking was mostly easy, the world was still large enough and collectibles were spread out enough that I didn't quite have the motivation to go back and 100% the game. I loved it, but I guess not quite enough to 100% it like I do with many other games.

As just a video game, it hits on every other level as well - it's hilarious, the art is fantastic, and the combat feels excellent.
Everything from the written jokes to the billboards and posters around the town had me laughing. The pop culture references were fun without being too much. The combat and platforming challenges were excellent and never too hard. And the co-op in the game is fantastic!

Man I wish more Metroidvanias had co-op because I had a blast playing through this game with my wife. We played through the whole game together and had so much fun. It also has the New Super Mario Bros "bubble" feature, so whenever we got to a platforming challenge that was too difficult for my wife, she'd bubble up and I'd do it solo. But overall, most of the game was never really that hard. It was just fun.

+ Solid Metroidvania progress going from nothing to feeling powerful
+ Great visual guides that make backtracking easy
+ Great co-op experience
+ Fun wrestling-inspired melee combat
+ Funny humor throughout
+ Fantastic visuals

- Didn't quite love it enough to go through the tedium of 100%ing it

"We have become bros and as per the bro-code your mother is now off limits...maybe."

The quintessential "baby's first Metroidvania" game, and the fact that it can manage to be that while also simultaneously providing a fantastic experience for veterans of the genre shouldn't be understated. It just feels so...light. The writing is funny, the tone is joyful, the controls are buttery smooth, the combat is fun, the platforming is wonderful and the music is great. I've played this game so many times and it's always a wonderful time.

A fun metroidvania with an interesting mechanic about switching plains of existence, with some fun combat and platforming challenges, even if the story is basic.
Would recommend.

Guacamelee years later still stands out in the seas that are the Metroidvania genre with integrating the platforming & combat so well and still evolve the challenge further as I unlock new abilities which the game pushes me to use in order to progress through the level design or boss fights, it makes the difficulty curve in this game as smooth as butters. Top it all with charming characters & stellar art direction, you have a game that I had a delightful time with.

It isn’t perfect though, I find the whole enemy shields thing to be obnoxious to deal with sometimes, especially when the game loves to make me fight wave after wave of enemies all at once. I also think the rewards are a mixed bag with purchasing cosmetics or leveling up my attack abilities being so underwhelming compared to finding pieces of stamina & heart or unlocking new abilities that the game makes me constantly use. My final minor gripe is the lack of enemy variety which makes combat just a little bit repetitive by the end of it.

Either way, these complaints are minor because I really had a wonderful time with Guacamelee and I strongly recommend it if you are looking for a decently challenging Metroidvania game.

we need more coop metroidvanias

An even better edition to an amazing metroidvania style, a must play coop game that I had a blast with couch coop

Um ótimo metroidvania da (pra mim) era de ouro dos metroidvanias indies, e que só não tem nota mais alta porque o 2 faz tudo melhor.

A gameplay, ao contrário de muitos metroidvanias, tem um foco muito maior num combate estilo jogos beat'em up, claro que não vai ter nads nível Devil May Cry 3 ou 5 aqui, mas ainda assim o combate aqui é muito bom, e tem uma variedade de coisas para apimentar o combate um pouco mais, como ataques impossíveis de desviar, barreiras que só podem ser quebradas com especiais específicos, e entre outras coisas, o que faz o combate ser bom mesmo é o quão satisfatório é demolir hordas de inimigos com uma facilidade fazendo uns combo doidão, tipo, tem uma variedade de arenas de inimigos aqui. Infelizmente os chefes são bem medianos, a maioria é muito fácil, o único que foi difícil na minha primeira run foi o Calaca, o chefe final, mas o combate mais do que compensa isso. Mas e a parte METROIDVANIA do jogo? Bem, explorar o mapa é bem divertido, já que tu usa os mesmos especiais de combate para explorar o mapa, isso sem contar é claro o poder de mudar as dimensões do jogo, fazendo plataformas ficarem tangíveis ou não, inimigos serem atingíveis ou não e entre outras coisas, o que não é tão bom assim são as recompensas por explorar o mapa, que na maioria das vezes são só upgrades de vida e stamina, mas explorar o mapa em si é bem divertido.

A trilha sonora é bem boa até, claro que não é nada absurdamente espetacular, mas hey, elas são bem legais, gosto muito especialmente da música tema de Pueblucho. Eu gosto muito de como os visuais são tipo de desenho animado, e acabam fazendo o jogo muito mais memorável.

No fim do dia, se não fosse a sequência, o jogo teria uma nota maior, mas eu ainda totalmente recomendo muito jogar o jogo.


i remember not giving this game much of a chance back in the day because of the memes
i now regret it because this is actually a very solid game

this game is so mexican que cambio el idioma de esta reseña al español

A fun, charming, metroidvania that takes heavy inspiration from Metroid but replaces different guns with many melee moves that also double as platforming options. The platforming can get deathly difficult and there are challenges for the combat as well as the platforming as has now become a staple of the genre

A short, pleasant little meteoidvania. Beautiful graphics, simple levels. Felt like a slightly unpolished indie game, which was a nice respite after lots of big budget games last year.

This is a very unique spin on metroidvanias and I’m here for it!

The aesthetic, music, characters, etc.. are all wonderful and it’s very cool to see a Hispanic inspired game. The most underrated part of this game is the humor, where I found myself laughing multiple times.

You can also tell how much the people that made this game love video games and their history, as there are so many Easter eggs hidden throughout the vast map.

The gameplay is pretty solid, and much like any good metroidvania you feel unstoppable by the end, flying around the map with no concerns. There were also some very challenging sections, but all were optional as to not deter anyone from playing.

The game also adds some replayability with one of my favorite sections of the game! I can’t wait to see what the sequel is all about.

Very fun metroidvania with a good amount of difficulty, and a great artstyle.

Solid Metroidvania with fun combat and platforming challenges. I thought the combat was a bit too easy at first, but as you progress, it does become more demanding, and I appreciated that. It didn't blow my mind and I wasn't that interested in exploring a lot aside from the main path, but I quite enjoyed it, and would be willing to replay in hard in the future. I might go back to get the extras.

O cara venceu o diabo numa rinha de galo

Esse já é fácil um dos meus Metroidvanias favoritos, o jogo se passa no México, é extremamente bem humorado, divertido, LINDO e você percorre toda a jornada entre o mundo dos vivos e o mundo dos mortos com um sorriso de orelha a orelha

Dá pra perceber que o jogo foi feito com carinho e por pessoas apaixonadas por essa mídia, os desenvolvedores inseriram nos cenários dezenas de referências a outros games e ficar pescando essas citações é uma diversão a parte

Os diálogos também são um destaque, vale a pena conversar com todos os NPCs, sempre tem uma piadinha pronta pra te tirar uma risada (a localização em português está ABSURDA!)

A jogabilidade é muito boa, é satisfatório demais explorar o mundo, procurar novas habilidades e lutar contra os inimigos


PS - O inferno ser um escritório de advocacia me tirou uma gargalhada aqui

Good metroivania with a really fun combat system, specially if you like doing grabs.

Religious man from Nacho libre starts playing in the background*

When it comes to the Metroidvania genre, there's many games that are put in there which aren't really close to Metroid or Castlevania. This game is extremely close to Metroid, if Metroid got a really silly parody with a luchador that can do extremely powerful melee attacks rather than attack with a cannon.

The main path is pretty linear, but you get plenty of opportunities to branch off to get items or complete side quests, which is very rewarding. As you progress through the game you'll unlock new moves that are useful for both combat and movement, eventually being able to dish out so much damage when paired with other upgrades that makes the combat really satisfying. As it is the case with many good combat systems, it's pretty simple in concept but you'll need a decent amount of strategy and skill to keep up your combos.

I don't know how this compares to the other editions of the game, but I had a lot of fun with this. If you like Metroid then there's no reason not to play this.

I slept on Guacamelee for so long! I thought the art style was really lame, like Samurai Jack or something, but I'm pleased as punch to admit my mistake. Five minutes in and I didn't even think about it anymore. Whoever thought to make a Metroidvania beat-em-up is a freakin' genius. It's way more linear than a normal MV, which makes it much more accessible to those who don't play them. The combat is some of the purest fun I've had in a while and the platforming reminds me of Metroid at it's finest. Parts of the platforming can be very challenging, but also very forgiving. They don't make you replay entire sections and respawn time is instantaneous. I wouldn't say this has the most original gameplay elements out there, but I can undoubtedly say it's one of the most fun, successful amalgamations on the market. Next time you see it on sale, don't skip it! I paid maybe $3-$4 and I loved it from start to finish. Already bought the sequel and I can't wait to try it. 😁

Also, this game is rife with references to other titles. I got so much enjoyment out of finding them and picking them out. The sheer amount of Metroid love this game displays makes my heart swell 10x its size.

Um bom metroidvania para quem quer iniciar no gênero.

My status:

(Happy Ending, 98% Complete, Time: 11:05:45, April 5, 2016)

another "been on the backlog forever just beat the game you know you'll like idiot" game and lo and behold, i liked it! the game looks great, a very fun and unique style. it's filled to the brim with references and cute nods in the background of especially the towns. the combat is surprisingly fun and can get pretty deep with the way you combo everything together. the upgrades are all pretty fun, if not a bit generic but they do have the added bonus of making combat more fun at least! the platforming was pretty solid, although some of the harder sections rather than feeling satisfying felt as if i was almost janking the game out which was a bit odd. combining the B abilities felt great for combat, but for the more intense platforming it felt a bit stilted and awkward at times. for the length of the game there was a good amount of enemy variety, the bosses were pretty uninteresting though. i wish the intenso meter (which i think was added to this updated version of the game) gave the b attacks more wacky suped up attacks but it was still a pretty fun move to use when you're being overwhelmed or just wanna do a ton of damage.

solid game overall, nothing super mindblowing for the genre or anything but a really unique aesthetic and some pretty solid combat/platforming lead to a solid time for the 8ish hours it took me to 100%! excited for the sequel!

Nada a declarar , mas n é horrivel n

A solid metriodvania with a lot style and love put into its central mexican culture theme. As a Mexican myself I was very happy with a lot of the games artstyle and the overall life it gave to its environments. On top of all that it was a fun beat-em up style metriodvania with an interesting world to explore. The story was pretty basic but with these types of games its not really the story you play it for, they're heavily gameplay focused and its something Guacamelee does well. If you're looking for a short but fun time to get into, you can't go wrong with this game. I picked it up on a sale and I was very satisfied with the game.

Metroidvanias just don't get much better than this.