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Once the game decides to shut the fuck up it gets really really fun, the commitment to the efficiency maxing style of gameplay becomes really addicting.

The music was a bit of a low point for me, there are good tracks sprinkled throughout but the main level themes are soooo boring compared to the classics we got in Pikmin 1 and 2

Also why the hell did they throw out the original canon and make Louie a villian

What you see is what you get: a fitting celebration of the Kirby series' 25th anniversary. The gameplay is pretty shallow (as is to be expected), but it still makes for an enjoyable if not low brain power adventure.

DSII has some neat ideas and a really unique visual identity for the series but ultimately is such a slog to play that I can only recommend it to fans of the series.

Buttery smooth frantic combat, what more is there to ask for? Ok maybe some more interesting build options...

Kirby’s first foray into 3D sticks the landing! The levels are fun, copy abilities are satisfying and unique, and the new mouthful mode powers are all fun to play too.

Main gripes are the bosses are just not very fun! And worst of all everything takes too long in this game! Unstoppable text and cutscenes, long loading screens, mandatory trips back to Waddle Dee Town slow things down considerably.

Goat cast Goat Setting music owns addicting gameplay loop is fun as always. Obviously the dungeons have aged like dirt but I've had far more fun playing this than P5 (and i really loved P5 when it came out).

Elden Cringe is simply goated

My first fallout game. The novelty wore off pretty quickly and soon realized - this game isn’t very fun!

It's katamari what's not to love?

Ok well the controls and wonky physics suck ass.

That being said, the music (greatest game soundtrack known to man)


Fun game to grind through and explore every nook and cranny, ugly as sin tho with clunky combat

Very interesting, playing this game for the very first time in 2023. On one hand I was amazed by how much this game must have pushed the genre at its time of release. On the other hand I pretty quickly grew tired of the antiquated (by todays standards) combat encounters, which began to feel like a real slog later into the game. Either way I'm glad I got to experience this piece of gaming history.

The Moldenhauer's demanded excellence from themselves when painstakingly creating the game's iconic, vibrant art, so it's only fair that they demand some excellence from you the player in taking down these grueling bosses. The game is a thrill to play, my only complaint is how frustrating it can be to die to an unlucky nigh un-dodge able pattern.

Incredible concept, one of those perennial indies that everyone should experience

if u like GoW 2018 you'll love this, it's basically just a super sequel with more stuff added in. The satisfying combat and fun exploration return in spades. Again the RPG elements feel tacked on, and this time around I had extra frustration when fighting against groups of multiple enemies. The target lock system felt especially clunky and poorly implemented. Regardless, games still fun as hell!

Game took soooooo long to get going, but at least the final case was a hit and seems to set up nicely for the 2nd game. The unmemorable music was also a low point for me.