It's katamari what's not to love?

Ok well the controls and wonky physics suck ass.

That being said, the music (greatest game soundtrack known to man)


This game is such a breeze to play compared to past entries in the series. Weapons and traversal all feel great and there's always an epic boss battle around the next corner, however I feel like we lost a bit of the "weird" the series was also known for.

Really good girlfriend game (even if they suck)!

My first fallout game. The novelty wore off pretty quickly and soon realized - this game isn’t very fun!

if u like GoW 2018 you'll love this, it's basically just a super sequel with more stuff added in. The satisfying combat and fun exploration return in spades. Again the RPG elements feel tacked on, and this time around I had extra frustration when fighting against groups of multiple enemies. The target lock system felt especially clunky and poorly implemented. Regardless, games still fun as hell!

Game took soooooo long to get going, but at least the final case was a hit and seems to set up nicely for the 2nd game. The unmemorable music was also a low point for me.


Super fun/cute lil puzzle game, perfect to pick up on sale and play through over a weekend.

Elden Cringe is simply goated

Incredible concept, one of those perennial indies that everyone should experience

Really fun game, however I wish the combat was more strategic

Very interesting, playing this game for the very first time in 2023. On one hand I was amazed by how much this game must have pushed the genre at its time of release. On the other hand I pretty quickly grew tired of the antiquated (by todays standards) combat encounters, which began to feel like a real slog later into the game. Either way I'm glad I got to experience this piece of gaming history.

Honestly really disappointing considering how interesting the 1st was

The first 30 or so hours of this game, just figuring out how things work for the first time and beginning to explore the world, is one of my favorite gaming memories ever

Fun game to grind through and explore every nook and cranny, ugly as sin tho with clunky combat