Loveable little indie game, tough and challenging.

Probably never gonna play it again though.

Fine for what it is.

Not really an HD version, for that do yourself a favor and download the HD mod.

Nonetheless, a great game, I've played this one more times than I can count.

However, as a RE game, it kinda sucks. Specially if you take into consideration that this one dictated the series' future for a while, which produced increasingly mediocre games.

Play it.

Not a great game, this one will probably never again see the light of day.

Still, found it enjoyable enough. Kinda crappy but good overall.

The best Metroid game ever made.

Probably the best Metroidvania game ever made.

Timeless, you should definitely play it if you haven't already.

Meh... Definitely one of the most influential games of all time.

Still, it did not age well. It has AWFUL level AND boss design.

Dunno if I'll ever get to finish it. It's certainly my LEAST favorite Soulsborne game in the series.

Amazing gameplay.

The story is fine, has pacing issues.

The best part was the gamer tears that this one created.

Not as bad as a lot of people say, not better than the first game either.

A pretty good game, regardless.

Wow, what a game this one was.

Did not age all that well, it's still playable but... Y'know, kinda janky.

Should be played by everyone.

The best 3D Mario game ever made.

That's not saying much tough, since most others have janky, buggy gameplay.

Still, pretty fun water mechanism.

Ok, this game is NOT as great as everybody remembers.

Has terrible, abysmal combat. Awful camera.

Great dungeons for the most part, best OST in the entire series.

Has been surpassed time and again.

Pretty dang good Metroidvania.

The inverted castle sadly brings it down a lot.

Pretty great, awesome story that craps on Ayn Rand's terrible book and philosophy.

A rethread of the first game in many ways.

Shitty, convoluted story with horrible, arrogant ending.

Give it a pass, play the superior Bioshock 2 instead.

Kind of a good game, with a WTF story, but not in a good way.

Gets repetitive sadly.

My god, what a crappy game...

Someone make that Rotom shut up please

What an incredibly underrated gem.

Great, visceral Akham-style combat. Great car combat as well.

Just play it.