Wow I Sure Am Having Fun... EXCEPT FOR THIS PART

Good games aren't perfect, here are games I like and certain parts of them I really don't like. Not necessarily minor things like weird graphical glitches or imbalanced audio, issues that make me hesitate giving them a replay, even if for just a moment.

Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
That thing with Ann during the second palace. That is a big heap of "YIKES" considering what the previous arc was about. Even if I'm doing a chill replay, I tend to fast forward through that as much as possible.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
The Demon of Hate. I don't know, this boss feels like a Dark Souls boss and despite it being by the same people, it really doesn't belong. It goes on for too long while having insane damage output. Not a fun combo honestly.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Beneath the Well. A trading sequence where you need specific consumables, that you lose everytime you reset time, and have to keep leaving and coming back after learning what you need to progress further. If you're one that makes liberal use of a walkthrough on a first playthrough then it isn't so bad since you'll already know what you need. I didn't...
New Super Mario Bros.
New Super Mario Bros.
This is a stand-in for every "Course Clear" Mario game where you have to go through a autoscroller. I'm not too crazy about platformers in general but autoscrollers take away a big thing as to why they're fun to me. Restricting your movement to such a degree just kills the pacing, and if you died then you have to deal with slow screen scrolling all over again with no way to speed it up.
Note that this isn't the same for chase sequences where to goal is to clear an obstacle as quickly as possible as a wall of insta-death approaches. As long as the screen doesn't halt itself if your outpacing the threat, which I hate when a platformer does that, then I find those to be pretty fun.
Miriam's challenges. Oh god these things drove me up a wall. I swear most of my deaths were because of me trying to jump onto a ladder and the game not registering that I was holding up so I would fall to my death repeatedly. They're long, they're unforgiving, amd honestly the reward wasn't worth the pain. It's cool and all, but not enough personally.
Monster Hunter: World
Monster Hunter: World
I know this game is far from the only one that does it, but please just have skippable cutscenes instead of walk and talk sections. Please. If I'm impressed by your environments then I can stop and look on my own time. And I'm sorry Monster Hunter Team, but your plots are just not interesting enough to justify this restriction to a players movement during "important scenes" that I'm lukewarm at best.
It may be weird to say, but somehow my thumb gets way more tired holding up on the analog stick for extended periods then it does during normal gameplay. Is that normal?
Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy
Unlocking The Kid. Took me three entire hours, and it's genuinely this game at it's worse. I'm not a big fan of precision based challenges, but especially when they get THIS tight. It gets really not-fun when I die cause "I held the left direction for two frames too long". Correct me if I'm wrong, but I vaguely recall even the creator of 'I Wanna Be The Guy' saying that they made that section way harder then he was expecting.
Paper Mario
Paper Mario
The prologue. Specifically the gamplay side of things. Not having access to reaction commands, nor any remotely interesting badges makes it quite a slog to replay. Hell, even for a first time playthrough it's waaay too barebones. I love RPGs, but overly simple and easy RPGs are, to me, one of the most boring kind of games (yes I love Pokemon, the variety in team compositions gives it a fun replay value despite it's general easiness). Luckily it doesn't last for too long, but it's rough regardless.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Chapter 18. I do love a lot about this chapter, but going for the 9.0 run, AKA the hardest difficulty, is a pain. You're stuck playing a melee character exclusively that seems to have zero defense or health modifiers, which you could compensate in other Chapters. It's real easy to just get absolutely anihilated, especially since you also don't have any powers either, so no emergency healing or room clearing explosions. Biggest gripe though is that you have to go through 3-4 minute walking section at the start of this chapter everytime you want to replay it, which you will since this is such a brutal challenge on 9.0
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Giant Bowser vs. Tha Godforsaken Train!
Such a pain in the ass the entire time, and needing to only use the fire breath attack, which requires blowing into the mic for extended periods; while on a very tight time limit so you can't half-ass your... blows... otherwise you have to start over. No grinding can save you either.
Baba is You
Baba is You
"Hahahaha, I have no idea how I solved that"
This game makes me feel like a child lost in a mall... blindfolded. Yeah technically this shouldn't count, but I'm just too stubborn to use a guide for the puzzles that I have zero clue on how to solve. This game makes me feel like a fool...
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne - HD Remaster
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne - HD Remaster
Anything where you have to wait for the moon cycle. This is most common for chests whose best items you can only get on full moons (or I think new moons might work too) or trying to fuse a fiend that is only available on specific moon cycles. It's a lot of running around in circles that get pretty mind numbing, very quickly.
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
"My destination is waaay over there. Better start walking .............................................. this game could've used something more for these long treks through radiated America."

No the radio isn't enough.
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
The pan flute song sections. I always have the damnest time getting past these sections since, unlike a normal rythym game, it doesn't give you immediate feedback that you made a mistake. So you have play for a minute or two then get told "Do it again" without knowing where you screwed up on. And since this is the DS and you have blow in the mic (or as I discovered way too late, just talking into the mic will do) to play the flute, childhood me got out of breath from trying these over and over again.
Who knows maybe adult me would have little issue with these nowadays, but despite my appreciation for this game, replaying it now is a very low priority.
Bravely Default
Bravely Default
Sadly this one is a big spoiler, but if you know, you KNOW. It does have amazing pay-off, but if I didn't love the battle system as much as I do... oh boy I don't know if I could call this one of my favorite games.
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Drive forme grinding. If you want to fight some of the best boss fights in any game, you need to level up your special forms and every one of which has a different method to level them up. It can be collecting a specific item drop while in the forme, or killing specific enemies, or my least favorite is performing like fifty limit attacks which takes forever. I know jrpgs are generally pretty long, but I wish I could skip this grind on repeat playthroughs since the post game bosses are incredible.
Jak II
Jak II
There's a lot of ones to choose from, but I'll go with the turret section since that was the point during a recent replay that made me go "You know I'll just move on to Jak III now..."
I'm genuinely curious if there's ever been a turret section in any game that was fun, but it's even worse when it's an actually difficult turret section in an already unforgiving game that loves to not give checkpoints, like, ever.
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Recruiting rare monsters. I already don't like how you go about recruiting monsters in this game where you have to make sure you kill the one you want last and have to simply hope that they decide to join your team, but this can get pretty aggravating if you want to recruit a specific kind of monster. So not only do you have to encounter that monster in a random battle, you also have to make sure not to kill it too soon and even then some of these monsters have only a 1/64 of joining you.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
At least other Kingdom Hearts games have their minigames be optional, but Disney Town is required and I'm just really bad at the rythym game section in Ventus' story. I don't know, maybe people who like rythym games finds it to be a cakewalk, and if you do then all I'll say is... I'm jealous.
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy III
The Garuda boss fight. You NEED dragoons, otherwise you're just dead. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I honestly wouldn't be too bothered if this was some quirky optional encounter, but it's required and you're also stuck in this one location till you beat him.
I wish I played this game at a age where I wanted to read the dialogue of the random townsfolk, cause it would've saved some childhood trauma. Yeah the townsfolk makes it pretty obvious that you need to have Dragoons in your party, but childhood me never bothered talking to anyone who wasn't a shopkeeper back then. Regardless, it's just not a fun section of the game.
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
Dr. Luggae. In case you weren't aware, the 3D versions of Final Fantasy IV are extremely difficult, which is quite the contrast to the original's difficulty. This boss gave me the most shit especially. His gimmick being that he'll flip-flop between healing spells and items actually dealing damage to himself and the party, and vice versa. So sometimes you'll give a command to cast curaga on the party, but then he'll activate the switch gas and now you just cast a party wide wipe on your team. Good job. Only now have I learned to save elixirs for this fight, so when he switches you use an elixir on him for max damage.
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
The Twin Dragon Boss Fight. Just not a fun time. It takes a while, their health regenerates if you take too long, hitting them gets really awkward as they get smaller the less health they have, but they also hardly pose a threat to you either since they just spend most of the time just flying away from you. It just takes too long and is pretty boring.
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
World 4, which is 95% vehicle sections. I get the concept but this world gets pretty tiring even with the admittedly decent set pieces it offers.
The Wonderful 101: Remastered
The Wonderful 101: Remastered
Operation 9-1, the space shooter. Specifically the second mission. I don't know how to beat that section without taking damage at all, let alone without using at least one continue. Your health just gets absolutely shredded in two seconds flat and it always leaves me stunned. At least with the more infamous shooter section earlier in the game you can create unite morphs that can anihilate most enemies or if you have a certain unlockable then you can use the Naginata to destroy enemy projectiles. 9-1 though has no safety net, and doesn't help it also has the skewed view with little room to see enemies coming.
Pac-Man World
Pac-Man World
Annubis Rex. Very infamous boss fight since it throws everything and the kitchen sink at you, and your moveset is NOT good enough to dodge all the attacks reliably. Doesn't help that this is only the second boss fight, so you'll reach it very soon into the game and get smacked over the head with such a obnoxious difficulty spike. Did I mention that this also takes place over insta-kill lava too?


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