SUCH a good game!! Scary factor is cranked to 100x here, and the graphics and gameplay are great. Definitely worth picking up.

This game makes me feel like I'm doing something fulfilling for once.

Very awesome game!! Worth playing even if you played remake.

This game is so good!! The music and art are just amazing, and the gameplay is tight and yet reckless all at once. Feels amazing to control. Very much worth playing.

Fun game! Though, for me personally, it suffers the same curse as Minecraft, where it just sounds unfun at times.

This game is great! Very fun with friends or by yourself. Also very cool to see all these characters in one game.

Very first Metroid game I've fully completed! It was really really good, just a bit confusing at times. Would still highly recommend.

Awesome remake!! This game does re2 the justice it deserves. Can be a little unforgiving at times, and it fits right at home here. Very much recommend this one.

I have 100% this game 3 times over. Highly recommend.

This game is awesome so far!! Combat is fine, voice acting is amazing, music is just as good, the whole game is great!

Great game, but sometimes it can get old. With a lack of substantial updates, it starts to get repetitive most of the time. Very fun, but it just is a bore here and there.


Music, Art and Story are all amazing, but the gameplay can get a little old from time to time. Thankfully, you don't need to grind in this game, so you'll get by fine enough. Very good game!

Very difficult platformer that's very rewarding to play. Beautiful, relatable for many story that really hits home. Art is amazing, and the gameplay is even better. Huge recommendation