this is the worst final fantasy game

it's fire emblem

it's good

it's got a lot of replayability

I have a soft spot for this one because it was my first Zelda game. All of the places to explore and items to collect really sparked something with me. Perhaps if I had already experienced a lot of those things, I might not think as highly of this game. Alas, even replaying it, I still feel much of the magic the game provided all those years back.

Platinum games at its finest.

There are games that don't take themselves seriously, and Metal Gear Rising takes that to eleven. It takes everything to eleven. It disregards any semblance of rationality to try to look the coolest it possibly can at any given moment, and it just works. The game is memorable, fun to play, and you can talk about it endlessly with your friends.

I like this game. It has flaws, but I think it's a great experience worth trying. I've heard a lot of complaints about health sponge-y enemies, but I played on one of the harder difficulties and I don't remember having any problems like that. The game is a fun trip with charming and memorable characters. It doesn't quite hold up to the standard of the first Bioshock game, but it's a good, solid game nonetheless.

Interestingly, there were plans for a much more complete experience in the works, if you look up stories from some of the devs. While I wish we could have seen the game that would have resulted had this game not gone through game development hell, I'm still satisfied with having played the game. It's a nice spectacle with just enough going on to keep you interested, and it doesn't overstay its welcome.

This is one of the greatest games ever made. There aren't many games out there that are this fun to just play the game. I wish there were more vehicles, and maybe another sandbox location. Considering how badly Konami tried to screw this game's production over, Kojima and his crew still managed to deliver one of the greatest gaming experiences of recent memory.

playing with friends is very fun

too many swords but i play all of them

It's alright. Standard Animal Crossing faire. If you can put up with the monotonous "open up the game and do the same thing as if it's just another chore in your miserable life" thing, it's a great way to meet women.

While RE4 is a really good game, it marked a major turning point in the series from horror to action, which it never recovered from until the RE2 remake, which is also an excellent game.

This game is a modern classic. When you think of games that wrote the book on creating a gaming experience, this one goes up there with other giants like Super Metroid and Mario 64. It's short, sweet, and simple. While some might be dissatisfied with the length, this game was basically a tech demo. For what the game is, Portal is nothing short of perfect. If you want more, check out the sequel.

This game slaps. It's hard to follow up on a game that was so short, sweet, and to the point, but Valve managed to deliver in every way that fans wanted. More snarky AI, more puzzles, more mechanics, more game. Even the co-op mode is worth playing once through, although at this point it might be difficult to find somebody who doesn't already know all the solutions.

This game is a case study on how to make a sequel.

There are certain aspects that fans of the first game might be missing from this one. The intricate, interconnected world is probably the biggest one. The feel of weapons is much different from the first game, but in my opinion, it's a change for the better. While DS1 weapons were all very weighty, there are still options for that feel in this game.

For me, at least, besides that one gripe, DS3 is the true sequel that DS1 needed. The soundtrack is excellent, there are dozens of compelling weapons, and the bosses are fun and interesting. The game also just looks great. While the game doesn't do anything in particular that sets it apart, it is a complete, whole experience that will leave you satisfied when you're done with it.

It's a fun sandbox to explore until you run out of things to do and are just playing a Gacha game. Yes, that's what everyone else says about it. Many cute wifes to look forward to reading books about on sad panda.

The characters are charming, the gameplay is very Atlus-y. I the story and themes are... okay, compared to the other games in the series, and other JRPGs in general. This is far from the best that Persona and Atlus have to offer, though. Fans of the series and other Atlus IPs should definitely give this one a play through, but this doesn't come anywhere near Persona 3 in terms of engagement and raw emotional highs and lows.