I had no idea what was going on and it was awesome.

I wanted to really like this game. I feel like it deserves at least some credit for popularizing the rogue-like genre though.

The gameplay and RNG surrounding everything is pretty unbalanced to say the least. Most of the deaths don’t feel earned and it seems like I’m truly wasting time trying to make any tangible progress

Hard to believe this came out 12 years ago. What a game.

Obviously it’s no fallout NV. While there are some shortcomings with the dialogue and story, I feel like this game very much holds root with its core gameplay mechanics and exploration that we all love from previous titles. I had a lot fun with this game, I feel like a lot of people were quick to write this one off but it really grows on you as you play more.

Amazing game that probably got a little too ambitious for its own good at times. I think the trailers set this up as being a cryptic and mysterious title but sadly every tiny, minute detail is hammered over your head and sucks a bit of the mystique out of the game. A relatively minor detail to a lot of ppl but I just wish the game would’ve taken a step back at times and focused on the bigger narrative than all the little details.

That said… the solidarity, moment-to-moment gameplay coupled with the omnipresent atmosphere is what makes this title incredibly unique and enjoyable in its own right.

I still haven’t played anything like this. Really cool story and world building here. It’s perhaps an acquired-taste, not sure I’d recommend for everyone but the soundtrack and vibe of this game alone is worth experiencing. Classic Suda51

A lot of the time, this felt like RE4.5 in the best ways possible. Really fun gameplay with a refreshing atmosphere and set of characters. This title definitely checks all the right boxes for a horror action shooter. Super excited for dlc

Lots of highs and lows in this one. At this point in From’s catalog, I have zero desire to play this again. It’s overly clunky and unfair for the most part. Some cool and fun areas but leaves a lot to be desired coming off any of the other souls titles

Interesting world design and story. Really wanted to enjoy this game, but the gameplay/combat is not enjoyable at all.

Gameplay is very snappy and fluid. The builds were pretty fun to experiment with and the new addition of the slide felt very welcomed for the series.

Now, the writing in this game is just so abysmal, it really robs the game of any merit. It felt like devs just tried to appeal to the widest and most obnoxious group of gamers. Returning characters are killed for no good reasons for vapid emotional suspense, and as a means to an end for a poorly-written plot.

This game had so much potential and creativity going for it. It feels like parts of development were rushed and not fully realized. Cool music and ideas throughout, gameplay however is sloggish and grindy, with no real payoff.

This game never really reached the heights I hoped it would. It was consistently ‘meh’ with occasional badass visuals. Couldn’t care for the plot or characters at all

Probably the closest thing to perfection FromSoftware has created; an incredibly well-crafted world and story, innovative and addicting gameplay, mesmerizing visuals and sound. One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had with a video game. I still come back to beat it once a year at least.

Easily GOTY so far. While much of this game is near perfect, it does lack some of the replay ability and consistency that the other From games had; the duplicate bosses/enemies and tedious dungeon exploration etc makes the game feel a bit bloated at times. Balancing issues often times force players into creating a lot of the same builds, especially later in the game. Torrent simply just isn’t that enjoyable to ride Imo.

Overall, it’s a very impressive game with a lot to love. I just don’t think that it’s a perfect 10 that a lot of people claim it to be.

This game had a lot of potential. Good ideas and visuals, but gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. Feels very stiff and dated, leading to an overall pretty frustrating experience