Nintendo Switch (& Wii U) Exclusives Ranked

No Ports or Remasters, but Remakes are okay.

This was originally just going to be Switch exclusives, so as to not artificially increase the size of the list with titles ported/remastered from the Wii U.

But then I realised that a Wii U exclusives list would only be a few games; a majority of which were ported to Switch anyway and those that weren't, likely will be at some point, or were just shovel ware trash (e.g: Dr. Luigi, Family Party - 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade, Meme Run, etc).

And given the "no Ports or Remasters" rule, that in itself would strip the Wii U even thinner, so instead of having a Wii U list with 10 games (cause I have no intention of playing Meme Run and other such classics just to prove the Wii U has games), I just combined them both. The Wii U really was a Switch prototype anyway.