This is the best Zelda game

Every case was solid, and they did a pretty good job having a thread between cases. Edgeworth is great in the protagonists seat and many of the side characters, especially Courtney, bounced really well off him.

i mean i respect it but it's not that fun nowadays, level design is kinda bad too

I wish I liked this game more, but I just had trouble getting into it. I think it had a lot of potential to be better than it was.
I really like the trick weapons. The "multiple playstyles in one" concept is very fun and kept things interesting while letting me as a player have more options. Cleric beast theme was also a banger. Souls gameplay was fun as usual, if that's your thing.
I start running low on positive ideas after that, I'm afraid.
This game is a great example of how too much of a good thing can be tiring. I refer to the city aesthetic when I say that. It looks great, but after several hours of playing I get tired of walking around manmade, structured areas. Dark Souls does a better job of mixing up environments to keep things interesting, but i feel like this game really limits itself in that regard. This is something that wore on me more with time.
The other, bigger issue is the reliance upon consumable items. I don't mean molotovs, in fact items like that are best when they are consumable. I'm more referring to the blood vials and quicksilver bullets. Those two items are essential parts of your kit. Quicksilver bullets in particular are very fun to use, when you have them. It feels like the combat was designed around me having them, in some cases. Yet after a "so close!" kind of boss fight attempt, I'm respawning with none of them. What now? Dark Souls gives you your healing items back when you respawn, but this game forces you to grind for them. That really, really kills my enjoyment of this game, and it's ultimately why I dropped it.

Literally my favorite game of all time

Pretty boring. The level design isn't that inspired, and it seems like the remake adds noticeable lag to a lot of the abilities in the form of animations.

I can see the appeal but I really have a hard time dealing with the only being able to equip two items at once, especially with one of those items being your sword. It feels like this game isn't designed at all with this restriction in mind, which leads to a lot of annoying menuing. I do like the season manipulation concept though, lots of fun potential there. I'd probably play a remake of this.

This is my favorite action game combat, period
Literally everything you do in the combat is satisfying. They made magic FUN. I genuinely don't know how they pulled that off. Usually when I play action games I avoid blocking and parrying because I don't find it fun, but again, this game manages to do it right. The combat is fun and challenging for both normal fights and boss battles, which is harder to do than it sounds.

The plot is also very cool

I got real sick of this game after a hundred hours but those first 50 or so were magical

since the devs made the groundbreaking decision of literally just removing the shitty gameplay i can give this game's story the rating it deserves

Has some charm but in terms of level design is fairly middle of the road

This is the coolest game ever made. Not best, but definitely the coolest.