why does it take 5 missiles to open a missile door, that seems like a really weird design choice
also i wish the map changed to reflect when you actually get a secret item instead of just leaving the same icon there as before, i shouldn't need a checklist here
most of all, who the fuck said it was OK for the weapon picking system being a linear toggle between an increasingly large list of options, like holy shit dude you just crippled the combat

i just don't like the scanning thing cause it feels like it makes the exploration less fun, the spider ball is ass with areas this big (oh boy can't wait to crawl along the ceiling and walls of this room for 5 minutes JUST IN CASE there's a secret), and all the focus on parrying just makes all other, faster parts of combat less satisfying

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Me: Boy I sure do enjoy slice of life content
Ryukishi07, pulling out a spiked bat labeled "my experiences in social work": oh REALLY now

idk who's idea it was to put fake lava in the game multiple times but i don't like them

i considered giving this game a 1/5 cause only 20% of the worlds are good

Cool concept with great execution

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This is a great game. I really like all of the main characters and the dynamics between them are as good as all the other Tales games. This game might honestly have my favorite cast in any game, period. I also like the chaotic neutral type of storyline & themes as opposed to Vesperia's chaotic good. Combat can be confusing and chaotic but by the end I was able to confidently play as all of the characters (they made the spellcasters fun!) and I enjoyed it a fair amount.
-Soundtrack is mostly unmemorable
-Sometimes, especially early on, the plot feels like it's a train track that's being built while I'm riding on it. I often went from one location to the next with very little idea about what specific location I'll be going to next until it's time for me to go there. This becomes less prevalent later into the game, admittedly.

Story is an interesting concept but I think it could've been done better. Riku's arc is also good but the gameplay doesn't get much better and it isn't super eventful, not worth playing through Sora's whole campaign just to do it when I could watch cutscenes online or read the manga. Overall the story does not provide enough of an incentive for me to wrestle with the combat.
Speaking of, this game's combat does not translate well at all to KH1 engine either. I respect the concept and could see it working on the GBA but even then it's nothing I really like that much. The combat is essentially going through menus while trying to dodge attacks and position yourself in real time, which I can see the appeal of, but I don't think it works well here. The sleights are also just easy bake combos that honestly make the game less engaging when used effectively

Man I wish I liked this game more. It definitely has some peaks, especially with Celes, but I feel like for every hour of good content there's 5 hours worth of boring dungeons, random encounters, and dull plot moments.

This is the best mario game

This is the best Zelda game

This game has a nice aesthetic and cool ideas but it got kinda boring after long enough

Had some sick ideas but I don't like the rental system that much. Dungeon designs are decent but nothing amazing