+Varied objectives
+Multiple objectives per map lead to side-quests and impactful moments
+Charming team-mates and recruitable units
+Challenging, grid-based combat
+Perma-death enhances importance of choice
+Balanced, controlled combat

-Exploitable bosses allow for grinding of EXP

+Large world with hundreds of engaging NPCs and quests
+Meaty customization and character building
+Intelligent quest design, with plenty of twists and turns
+Exploration is consistently rewarding

-Some poor VO performances
-Some janky and clunky combat and movement

+Emotional, heart-breaking storytelling
+Terrifying and dread-inducing world
+Engaging riddle solving
+Unique difficulty options for both puzzle and combat
+Must-see ending and finale

-Clunky, uninteresting combat
-Clunky controls
-Some poor VO performances
-Visually rough and hard to navigate at times

+Recursive, intelligent map design
+Challenging combat with limited resources
+Beautiful, hand-drawn environments
+Static Camera work evokes horror films
+Terrifying and white knuckle tension
+Engaging puzzle and riddle solving

-Flawed localization and scripting
-Even with updated controls, can feel clunky

+Beautiful Diagetic and non-diagetic music moves the plot as well as the OST
+Lovely dungeon and puzzle design
+Thoughtful NPCs and innovative time travel guide the story

-Exploitable combat
-Slow moving text

+Recursive, intelligent level design
+Weighty, deliberate combat
+Mysterious and somber tone
+Fascinating world and NPCs
+Immersive, transient multiplayer interaction
+Detailed and thorough customization and LVLing

-Framerate issues, at times, very bad

This game fucking rocks. A community score of 3.9? fuck you

+ Fun combat

-Poor voice acting
-Poor script
-Subtitle errors
-Nonsensical story
-Radial quests
-Immersion breaking RPG elements embedded in a horror world

+ Good concept

-The shooting is unsatisfying
-The stealth is unsatisfying
-The world is dead
-There is very little to discover
-Entirely holds your hand
-Terrible AI
-Melodramic voice acting
-Poor plot

+Tight, responsive combat
+Epic and well-paced finale

-Franchise fatigue
-Weak customization
-Central hub feels arcade-y and distracts from world

+Wonderful, colorful art style
+Large cast of interesting characters
+Challenging combat and calendar system
+Consistent, rewarding progression

-One-hit gameover mechanics can grow frustrating
-Mandatory time-passing can frustrate the calendar system
-Belittling and mean attitude toward LGBT culture

+Responsive, tight combat
+Strong voice acting

-Father/son story falls flat
-Arcadey/looting elements drag it down

+Impressive variety of locations
+Impressive variety in gameplay

-Unresponsive shooting
-Tasteless, crude storytelling
-Hole-ridden plot
-Poor voice acting

+Unique world with unique puzzle solving
+Fun with co-op partners

-Repetitive nature of gameplay
-Better in short bursts

+Unique, terrifying world setting
+Intense, fast-paced combat

-Minimal customization
-Minimal characters and NPC interactions