Solid game. Even the worst stages, like 5', have fucking baller music so you can never not have fun. Maria is absolutely unplaytested levels of broken but in a fun way.

Dragon Quest 1: Adorable little game. Gameplay and story are nothing special (though its literal open world style is definitely impressive for the time), but you have to remember that this is the game that inspired pretty much every RPG after it. It definitely gets by on its cuteness and charm alone. The music is also delightful. I was smiling for the whole game. 4/5 stars.

Dragon Quest 2: Significantly less charming and more boring than 1 was, but I still thought it was okay. I can see why people don't like it at least. Still very grindy, and the dungeons are awful, but the battles are better than 1's, and the music is still really nice. Fine game, probably won't think about it ever again though. 2.5/5 stars.

Beautiful story and my favorite atmosphere in gaming history. Please play it I beg of you.


Gameplay sucks both dick AND balls at all times and actively detracts from the experience imo (even on Safe Mode), but other than that, I can totally see why this game is as highly regarded as it is in its small but devoted fanbase. Very introspective story with some of the best moral choices I've ever come across and an absolutely chilling ending. Didn't personally vibe with it entirely but I will immediately acknowledge that it is definitely great.


Such a weird, but extremely interesting game. Even though it requires a lot of personal speculation and interpretation, the story is absolutely fascinating and more than worth checking out, and is more than a masterpiece of atmosphere alone. Oh and the OST is banging.

For some reason I feel weird putting a rating on this game, but it holds too much nostalgic value to me. I always come back to it and rediscover how much it actually rocks when you look past the cringe parts of the fanbase. The soundtrack is one of my favorites in anything ever.

JJ calls Peter just to tell him to call the police, instead of calling the police himself.

One of my most played games I always come back to, with a ton of nostalgia attached.

Possibly the greatest fan game of all time. There's a reason some people say it's a better Metroid game than Nintendo has ever made. The gold standard for remakes as well.

So good. I don't even need to mention how good the graphics and music are. That's all. Just a really, really solid game.

Best fourth wall breaks gaming has ever seen when it comes to the puzzles. I used to love the story but my opinion has gone down over time. Still worth a playthrough at the very least.

Hands down the funniest game I've ever played. Pure charm and hilarity in every aspect. The story is really nice as well, fantastically goofy but emotional when it needs to be. Only loses a star for its gameplay. I find the battles very lackluster and a few dungeons are flat out bad. After the halfway point it gets better though.

The second funniest game I've ever played. Had a blast with everything about this game. Absolutely cannot wait for the coming chapters and will drop everything to play them immediately.

Great fun. In terms of being a story, it's better than chapter 2, though I like chapter 2 more for being peak comedy. Great bosses and music, and much better graphics than Undertale.

Loved it a long time ago, a bit more mixed on it now. Going back to it several years later, you can tell Toby wasn't quite as experienced. Don't know how unpopular of an opinion this is, but I definitely think Deltarune is vastly better than this game so far. Not to say Undertale is bad-- it still has tons of merit. Great bosses, phenomenal music, great humor, some good characters and endings, etc. The cringey stuff (everything about Asriel, the overly edgy Genocide ending, the graphics) is too hard to ignore for me though.