Games I Finished in 2021

5 rating scale fucking blows, this site sUCKS

Abyss JRPG dungeon design, barren story, crusty presentation. Takes none of the good aspects from either Mainline SMT or Persona. Biggest positive I can give it is that the battle system is sound.

If you want an actual middle ground between the two series, just play Devil Summoner, dawg.
This game was advertised as a prequel to BotW, which had the potential to be the best narrative content in a Zelda game, only to end up being written as a lame AU fanfiction. Game is still fun though. I like the improvements from Hyrule Warriors, but a lot of the concepts don't feel fully realized.
Sells the detective aspect of Devil Summoner perfectly. Super immersive world and a godlike OST. A lot of great concepts unfortunately held back by the horribly slow paced gameplay and the aimless narrative that ultimately has nothing to say by the end. Raidou is funny doe.
This one leaves a bad taste in my mouth for how poorly it acts as a continuation of the ideas P3 set (mainly regarding how the story goes about presenting itself) and leads the modern franchise into a worse direction because of it. It's a character focused story that insists on continuously focusing on a repetitive murder mystery with zero depth instead of writing its characters past the arcs they first appear in. But the things this game gets right is good. It sets it's tone well, the social links are all very consistent, and the drama parts towards the final act of the game hit well. I just don't hold much attachment for much of it, but I can still see how the game is so beloved.
For a low budget copy paste, it's pretty good. Rhythm gameplay is cool, the dances are excellently choreographed, and it puts the P3 cast in a far more light hearted situation that the original game doesn't get to explore much, which shows off their dynamic in a new light and it's dope to see. For that alone, I'd say its the only dancing game worth touching. And there's some cool narrative undertones regarding P3 protag and Elizabeth that I enjoy.
This game's story starts off like every other Persona spin off (incredibly formulaic and predictable), gets unfairly good for some fucking reason in the middle, then takes a nosedive off a cliff half an arc later. Gameplay is incredibly fun though. Next to Hyrule Warriors as my favorite musou gameplay.
I think this game gets everything right, except for its gameplay. It establishes the series' reoccurring themes really well, the horror and dreamlike nature of the atmosphere is great, and I think the SEBEC route has a pretty strong cast. It just sucks that the gameplay is so needlessly complicated and the dungeons can be so damn tedious.

Snow Queen Quest sucks btw.
I don't give a flying fuck about fighting games, but this one has Aigis in it, so it's the best one. Never got too serious with it, but I had fun messing around. Definitely the closest I've come to trying to learn a FG. Surprisingly really good story mode too. Fun character interactions, Labrys is great, and seeing SEES after P3 fills me with joy. Except Akihiko. He unfortunately no longer exists after P3.
More games made by Sukeban wooo!!!!! This was really short but incredibly enticing. A super interesting premised explored in such a tense manner. Excited to see more from them.
the future of gaming on god
I took a year and a half to finish this for some reason LOL. Still a good ass game. Hard to take it seriously sometimes, specifically in moments where it feels like the game wants me to do so. The cast was really fun and kept my enjoyment up, even whenever the trials were sucking ass.
I've come to appreciate this game more over time for how well it pushes its mechanics in such a punishing manner, while still being fun. Even though later games in the series have added on top of its combat system, it still stands as having the most interestingly complex boss design of them all. It's held back for me due to a majority of the dungeons being either tolerable or downright bad and the story ending up extremely underdeveloped, despite attempting to explore and deconstruct genuinely intriguing ideas.
The time manipulation mechanic is some of the most fun I've had in a Metroidvania. I haven't touched a single Touhou game before this one, but the story and characters were both really charming and entertaining. The OST also goes unbelievably hard. Definitely the biggest motivator I've had when it comes to potentially touching this hellspawn of a franchise.
One of the strongest gameplay systems in MegaTen. The dungeons are very solid and never overstay their welcome. Minor annoyances, like cheap enemy design or the slow pacing of the mantra point system do unfortunately begin to build up, but the gameplay's still great regardless. The story definitely existed. It's aided by the sci-fi aesthetic and filmlike presentation, but it's an otherwise bland war story that doesn't know how to pace itself.
Great fast paced gameplay. The combat system is a bit simplistic, but the multitude of extra little systems in place helped to add variety. The story, while campy and a little underdeveloped at times, was still engaging and each cast member was endearing. I also adore the aesthetic. It really feels like you're playing something straight out of a cyberpunk cartoon from the 90s and the modern voice acting from the 3DS remaster surprisingly helps to sell that.
It's a cool wacky story with pretty depressive thematic undertones that tackle a lot of topics pertaining to one's meaning behind life (pretentious). While I didn't personally enjoy the combat, each boss does a great job at portraying their worldviews and place in the story through their unique movesets.
It's very dated in a lot of areas, but still an amazing game. The story manages to tread a fine line of campiness as some parts of the story may feel a bit corny, but as a whole, the game does a great job at delivering its themes and messages in a plethora of ways, whether it be exaggerative or subtle.
Another great example of a game that fully utilizes the medium to tell a story that could only be told in a video game. The narrative is engaging and somehow manages to feel cohesive, despite jumping around from the perspective of 13 characters. It's also coupled with simple, but fun RTS gameplay with a lot of customizability.
As of now, this stands as my favorite JRPG from a gameplay standpoint. Takes all of my favorite aspects from the MegaTen games I've played so far and combines it into one, going even further by adding its own unique spin with its exploration. If the game had well designed bosses and an actual story, it'd definitely be among my favorites in the franchise.
A beautifully presented story that does well to take advantage of Yoko Taro's typical design quirks. It also works really well as an extension of Replicant's theming.
Don't have as strong feelings for this one compared to it's sequel, but this is still an amazing game. The continually escalating stakes within the story is great, the cast is entertaining, and it still has one of the strongest protagonists in the series. It also has one of my favorite endings in a video game.
Take my thoughts on the first game, then just throw out every negative listed. I haven't had much positive opinions on MegaTen's various alignment systems, but this game certainly proves how well it can work when the ideologies are explored well enough. It does a great job at complimenting the already great story and gives Raidou himself a good sense of agency and character. On top of having a charming cast and fast paced gameplay, you have yourself a REAL Shin Megami Tensei experience.

nagi my beloved
Lisa does absolutely everything in its power to make you feel completely empty by the end of it. The story, the gameplay, the world itself, everything works in perfect tandem to put you in the spot of the protagonist in a cold, desolate, and unforgiving world.
Honestly one of the best examples of how to use a video game to present a narrative in a way absolutely no other medium could. You've probably already heard this ten hundred thousand times by now when it comes to describing this game, but its subversion to its finest.
Despite having the task of building off the first game's barebones narrative, DDS2 breathes new life into the world set up by its predecessor in an almost unbelievable way. It beautifully incorporates its new major themes regarding the flawed nature of humanity, atonement, and the hope one can find through despair, into almost every facet of each character's arc. Never before have I seen a cast of characters I cared so little about turn into a group that I found infinitely endearing in such a short time.
This game perfectly depicts the brutality of transitioning into adulthood and the crisis of character that occurs because of it. As someone experiencing the same shit, I think it's safe to say this story does a lot for me. It's a perfect follow up to Innocent Sin and I think it improves on that game in a lot of areas. Especially with regards to it's cast's dynamic and the general pacing of the story.


A masterfully presented story that covers different themes relating to the topic of emotional connection and the importance of self reflection. Pretty much every single aspect about the game does a perfect job at conveying the aforementioned themes.
Where FES is the emotional peak of the franchise for me, Portable is the most enjoyable. Adds a lot of quality of life improvements and systems from P4 to make it a more comfortable playing experience, at the cost of sacrificing the visuals, unfortunately hurting a lot of the more emotionally resonate scenes in the process. The FeMC route alone makes this game worth playing after FES, adding tons of new SLs that explore different facets of themes touched in the original, along with the most entertaining and personality driven protagonist in the modern series. When viewing this game as a companion piece to FES, it's hard not to call it perfect, in spite of the flaws it created.

i love u minako arisato
The godlike culmination of the MGS trilogy, building upon the last two entries' major themes in a nuanced and ultimately satisfying manner. Embodies every perfect aspect about this series, whether it be the thought provoking depth of the narrative or the freedom provided by its gameplay. Truly the perfect ending to the franchise. Can't believe Kojima just simply stopped making Metal Gear Solid games after this one.
Though flawed in a few aspects, it still manages to utilize the medium in simple but effective ways to deconstruct and criticize many different ideas and topics in media. It features a small, but endearing cast, each member perfectly bouncing off one another whilst still feeling like their own complex individual. I would treat Kaine right, tbh.


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