The WORST Games of all time

Quick rules

1 - Console, Handheld and Arcade games only. Theres way too much unofficial/free/steam/itch/whatever shovelware to comprehend. This does mean im missing quite a bit of low hanging fruit (Bad Rats) but it'll make the list better for it. It also means that 'Codename: Iceman' manages to dodge the list. Grr.

2 - No 'Bad Ports'. These games have to be just outright bad from the concept up.

3 - Everything here I would consider either a 0.5/5 or a 1/5. Anything above what I would consider these scores dodge the list too. That said I also will take the age of the game and its place in gaming history into account too. So while I despise 'Tower of Druaga', I cant call it the worst of all time because thats more a 'Me' problem than it being objectively bad.

4 - No 'Beta' or 'Unreleased' games. These have to have had time released properly.

5 - Im also going to actually exclude digital only games too. We could be here all day if I incorporated every single shovelled out switch store piece of nonsense. And no stuff like 'Limited Release' games doesnt count, im talking proper retail.

6 - These have to be sold as GAMES. Not interactive multimedia discs, educational tools etc. Games.

7 - Last rule and most obvious rule... I have had to have played them personally. So no riffing from 'WORST OF ALL TEIM' lists. This also means that some games that probably deserve the list wont be on here. Sorry for all of you who wanted to see Little Britain on Ps2 here. Im never willingly playing that game.

So bad they retconned the game's existence out.
Theres a reason everyone forgets about this and just goes to the second game.
Why did they do this to Joanna?
If you want to completely destroy your DS screen go right ahead.
Castlevania as an arcade game could have been good. Not this though. No.
F2P nonsense that barely worked.
This is the first Ps1 game I bought with my own money. I was a stupid child.
I should not need a walkthrough on hand at all times to make progress in a game.
Swish, Whiff, Miss
The developers clearly didnt want to make this.
Boring quizzing and boring minigames.
Somebody really wanted a Crash bash sequel huh?
The ship looks like a dick.
Why couldn't we just get the much cooler Japanese super Famicom game huh?
Double the Dunk, Double the Trouble
Early Capcom arcade titles were rough man. Oof.
Punching at the Slip and Slide is less fun than you'd imagine.
Please. Anything but this.
The people who made this would later make the videogame based off Scarface and quite frankly thats funnier than anything else I can come up with.
Somehow Spyro Orange isnt the worst Spyro game.
Honestly just a confusing interpretation of a Rubiks and Rubik cubes suck anyway.
Bigger sprites does not a better game make.
Made to trick gullible grandmas into spending cash. Con-artists!
Oh Christ MY EYES!
I cant see shit
Im annoyed as I know what they wanted to do but the Ps1 just couldnt handle it.
Didnt Limited run games announce a re-release of this and then silently pretend they never did? Oh! Its actually getting the release now? Ok then.
Punch Out but without all the things that made Punch Out playable
I get age can absolve some sins but this cant have ever been good right?
I didnt mind the original Adam's Venture. This reboot? Buggy, glitchy and the characters are preachy and the worst.
I know we're in the realms of 'Get Gud' but even those games have an element of fairness about them.
It comes to something when you're watching Credits longer than you're actually playing the game.
I get 'Budget Ps2' is a bit of a wasteland of quality but good lord.
Guy who hated games made a game. It shows.
I have no idea who wanted more RNG with the JRPG but here you go.
This is so bad 90s action movie it hurts.
Slow and slow makes a slow slow game. What a way to finish LJN with.
Spider Modem! Spider Modem! You sound just like a Spider Modem!
The only thing in this picnic basket is a bowl of LIES.
This is a glorified tech demo and runs like molasses.
Im driving through porridge ma!
Utter and total clunk thats somehow even worse in multiplayer as its so easy to get stuck behind scenery and softlock the entire game.
Lemme wait half an hour for the ball to actually visit the flippers
Utter Clunk
Ive never understood virtual fake gambling but this is a low.
Isnt 'Gobbing' just spit? So its a collection of Spit?
Its like its trying to intentionally murder my eyes
The original wasnt great but just changing the camera perspective without any alterations does not a new game make.

1 Comment

1 year ago

I approve of Haunted Castle, Unlimited Saga and Sonic 06. They are truly awful. Not played most the others which based on the type of list this is, I'm thankful.

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