I can really see why this game has an intense cult following. The RPG elements are so unique in both gameplay and its mechanics (Whoever thought to visualize the PSI attacks with psychedelic imagery is a godsend), the soundtrack is especially unique; having songs that sound so whimsy to songs that sound utterly unnerving.
The story is really silly and simple in the beginning but by the end it hits how intense the conflict against the villains are, especially with how affected one of the main characters' "Neighbors" becomes. (They've got a pretty great boss theme though)
Admittedly though this game does require some grinding, and some enemies are unbalanced but those moments are far between and your characters will eventually become strong enough to move forward with ease.

They really weren't lying when they said this game is difficult and sometimes tedious. The combat on paper is a pretty good concept such as high/low blocking and the different sword moves being introduced in this game. But once you fight enemies like Wizzrobes, Fokka, or Darknuts (Without getting used to the combat) you will absolutely get demolished.
The dungeons are pretty unique, but with the amount of invisible walls and holes is absurd, you'd think they would've learned considering the first game had lots of problems with invisible bomb-able walls.
Other than that, the level system is nowhere as bad as I thought it would be, but I found I prioritized increasing life way over magic due to how easy death can come in this game.
This game does have some legitimate pros and things I could enjoy seeing in a future Zelda game (Not happening) but the cons really overpower it, if you're good at this game. I just know you didn't get there without some measure of anger along the way.

I will firmly die on the hill that this game is better than Mario Kart 64.

Same turn reinforcements? Hate em
Fatigue system? Hated it
Saias' 10 Leadership Stars? Hated it
Losing units if Leif escapes first? Hated it
Reinforcement ballista? Hated em
Permanent status stave effects? Hated em
Fog of War's abyss of black? Hated it
Capturing instead of buying things? Hated it
Chapter 24x? DESPISED IT.
But yeah Thracia 776 is one of the best Fire Emblem games to me personally, with deep mechanics, gameplay, and the best map design in the entire series.
Where the appeal of Fire Emblem is seeing how seamlessly story or cutscenes are incorporated in its gameplay and map designs this is it at its peak. With a plot that really makes you feel like you're on the losing side of a war that was already decided and you're only getting through by sheer smarts and perseverance with only your closest friends by your side along with any able-bodied soldier you can pick up along the way.
Everything is stacked against you, the game feels like it wants to put reinforcements on your flank to tell you you're taking too long? It'll do that.
Maps where your defensive position gets slowly compromised by crumbling walls and the enemy swarms in? It'll do that.
Entire third parties that are not part of the main conflict but will go against you because you seem like the easier pick-off? It'll do that.
Chapters where the enemy is just stacked with ballista, killer/master weapons, status staves, and have reinforcement spawns that ambush you? It'll do that.
This game despises you, it'll do everything it can to make you suffer if it can. But that's why it feels so rewarding when you overcome the BS this game throws at you and move on, along with getting a feeling of getting through only by the skin of your teeth, and you'll have to feel that way for most of the game.

Seeing new staples in the series such as the new mission objectives of "Escape" or "Defend" was fun and they were implemented pretty well in most chapters they appear in. The mechanic of rescuing and dropping was a godsend in this game and all games that came after it.

The plot is so well done in making you feel that this is not another Fire Emblem game where the main character succeeding makes everything right, Leif is only fighting to survive and eventually reclaim his homeland and even then he has to face against the might of an entire continent-wide empire if he wants to hold his position. The main villains in his story while big in personal conflict to him, are just footnotes in the grand scheme of the Jugdral storyline. (But still, they do make for an amazing cast of villains.)
This along with its incredibly dark tone of showcasing what the common people of Jugdral go through with the empire make for a game that shows the despair and bleakness that Jugdral has gone into. With child sacrificial rituals rampant, corrupt nobility and military leaders having control of the world, and any attempts of rebellion or uprising being crushed swiftly. (Hell a major plot point in the game is assisting a rebellion in a big city while its on its very last legs.)
But the best thing about this game is the amount of tools and power it gives to the player to overcome its difficulty.
Never would I have thought I would have 6 warp staves in my convoy and 4 meteor tomes I could use at my disposal anytime before this game along with a berserk stave for those extra-tight moments.
Held items that impact your units growth rates so certain stats can increase more, sometimes at a cost is a great idea.
Weapons that are unique to some characters to give them that special edge they need? You got it.
Manuals that you can use to customize your units with skills that would normally only be locked to certain characters? Sure, why not?
A mechanic where depending on the unit you use your crit chance is multiplied from 1-5x on their second attack if they have one? Absolutely.
Literal chance that your movement can take a second turn for free? Yes, go move em around some more.

The variety of the units this game gives you is so fun. To put it into a perspective, there are two units in this game:
One comes in from the first chapter with 0 skill and who's main appeal is to be your entry to capturing, since then he is well known to be one of the worst units in the army and debatably the entire series since he falls off quickly.
The other joins in extremely under-levelled at only an abysmal 1 skill, is a staff user with only base 3 magic who also uses healing staves, yet she is debated to be one of the best units based on her sheer potential for utility.

This game gives you the tools, and while sometimes it may feel like this may be the most unfair game, (And, admittedly some aspects are pure BS but we'll get to that later.) there is always a way to pull through its obstacles with the items at your disposal.

Though, yes, this game has its flaws. I played with a translation patch (Lil' Manster) that went to the liberty of displaying certain hidden UI mechanics and fixing descriptions so they are more clear on what they do. And that's the biggest issue in this game, the amount of unexplained mechanics and events.
Those scrolls I mentioned? In the patch they'll clearly show you which growth rates they effect, along with its passive of blocking crits. In the actual game this is their description (While being translated from the original Japanese text):
"A scrap of the writings of [X]. It bestows a mysterious power upon its bearer." What a great explanation.
That mechanic where the crit chance on a second attack is multiplied depending on who you fight with? It's just straight up hidden which is weird considering that's sounds pretty important to display. And some characters have zero as their crit chance so the second hit will never have a crit happen for them.
Being forced to dismount horse units in castles is pretty horrible. Especially considering the separate weapon ranks for those horse-mounted units if they are or not mounted. Even worse considering lances just don't exist whatsoever in the final chapters of the game.

And I do not care same-turn reinforcements are and always will be a bad gameplay mechanic no matter the Fire Emblem game, knock it off trying to defend it in any way ANY gameplay mechanics put in to force a "Gotcha!" to the player (ESPECIALLY with ambush spawns) with almost no warning or indication of where those reinforcements will come by is always a bad idea and just screams putting it in just for difficulty's sake.
I am sure I speak for some people when I say entire chapters had to be restarted because some reinforcement I had no idea would spawn decided to come in and destroy one of my best units because the game said so. Or same-turn reinforcement spawned and you had to reset to now plan for those untold reinforcements and god forbid any more come after those. It's a bad mechanic, always will be, always has been.

And the amount of hatred new or modern releases get because they don't reach the peak of this game's map design and, "Oh the Kaga games were just better, new FE fans have no idea what a true Fire Emblem game looks like." Stop it, I would much rather take explained mechanics over a game that keeps half of its gameplay unexplained and necessitate you having a guide sometimes to understand how some things work.

But overall, it's a great game and one of my (begrudgingly) favorite games in the series. The map design still leaves an impression on me to the point that just playing it once I can already point it a specific map and how it was designed to fit the story and situation you find yourself in. The soundtrack is also a pretty big plus every song drives home the "Objective: Survive" tone of the game (My personal favorite being "Come To a Trap Door - Charge")

This game is a masterclass in being a Metroidvania game, the animation, the music, the gameplay, and the different settings are all so vibrant and wonderful. In exchange though, the story is in my opinion simple but the game does a good job of showing you how bad the conditions are in Hallownest.
Some may complain that the game doesn't respect your time or that the maps don't do a good job of showing the player the areas, but that's the point of a Metroidvania, just lose yourself in the world, go explore every nook and cranny, the world of Hallownest is certainly always atmospheric enough to lose yourself in. Besides the game does give you a map at each beginning of an area, albeit for some currency. (Though it is not hard at all to gather enough currency to buy a map)
The only complaint I could have is it does have a very slow start along with the game being vague of where you need to go next, but that can always be fixed with looking at a map to see where you haven't gone or see areas that were previously locked to you before without certain abilities.

This game was a lot shorter than I thought it would be. Though even before playing I saw critiques of how this game is a step down from the original. And after completing the game, yeah I can see how people feel that way (I do plan on playing the original as well to see how better it's claimed to be.)

But it felt so weird, even though the game is incredibly similar to RE2 Remake in exploration, combat, and visuals; I can't put my finger on it that this game didn't make me feel the same anxiety or enjoyment that RE2 Remake did, where I felt like conserving ammo no matter what, feeling nervous to turn any corner, and knowing that no matter where I was, I was never safe.

In this game, I did feel that at the start but eventually I lost that feeling of anxiety which is weird considering that you get to explore most of Raccoon City where it should be extremely more dangerous than the inside of the R.P.D.

That and I do agree that Nemesis is underwhelming, the portions where he does appear to chase you are great and made me feel terrified to see him. Too bad that they're scripted portions, I can only imagine how great it would be for Nemesis to be like Mr. X and prowl around the open Raccoon City map looking for you. Just up his difficulty a bit compared to Mr.X to make up for how open Raccoon City is compared to the inside of the R.P.D. Even add the detail of hearing Nemesis' heavy breathing and, "S.T.A.R.S..." quote when he's near similar to how you hear Mr. X's footsteps in the R.P.D.

But eitherway, the visuals are great, exploring Raccoon City was great to see, the combat is good, though ammo is much more generous and plentiful here than RE2 Remake, which I personally didn't like. And contributed to the feeling of losing the anxiety because I had plenty of ammo to spare and kill every enemy instead of maneuvering around them for ammo conservation.

Even though the game is a step down from RE2 Remake and its original as I heard, it's still a fun little time to play, but it definitely doesn't reach the highs that Resident Evil can reach, that and after this game we all were left in a cruel, cold, and Carlos-less world.

This is another great game in the Fire Emblem series that unfortunately had to be stuck on a system that didn't do well, and didn't sell well itself compared to other games.
But this Fire Emblem does a great job of mixing its RPG elements and story beats. The main character, Ike, is especially great as usually most Fire Emblem main characters have the personalities of plastic cups most of the time but Ike has a genuine character arc that makes him evolve through the story. And there are other great side characters in the story that evolve as well.
It's also incredibly open to customization such as custom naming your weapons, the "Bonus EXP" system, skill scrolls, and items that impact your character's stats or gameplay.
There are a few drawbacks such as the Supports once again being limited to 5 conversations, the enemy phases are a bit of a slog to get through; especially in the late game.
But all that aside, this is a great game that sadly seems to go unnoticed a lot.

While this is the first game and it lacks copy abilities which would turn off many. It's still a simple and easy game to get into that doesn't require any long time investment.
This game is great as a quick and fun one to complete which is exactly what it sets out to do.
Plus, even though the soundtrack is extremely 8-bit and compressed, they still made some pretty cute bops

This was my first Fire Emblem game I ever played, and personally I would also recommend this game as someone's first Fire Emblem game. It's the most standard Fire Emblem game, good and simple gameplay, a simple story, and a great cast of characters to get attached to that not only extends to the main characters and villains but to the side characters as well. Along with being a GBA Fire Emblem game which always have some pretty awesome battle animations and spritework.

A lot of people in the Fire Emblem community will call this game "mid" with an awful story that has a lot of holes. And yeah the story does have some plot holes but that doesn't take away from how good of a story it can be without it being a worldwide conflict full of intrigue or complexity like the story of the Tellius or Jugdral games. There's still a fair share of tragedy, mystery, and twists that make this story at least worthwhile to see.
Plus for a game that's on the GBA it offers a lot of story content, having three separate story lines for you to play.

One being about a lost noble heiress of the plains reclaiming what's rightfully hers, not only for her title or noble status but rather to reclaim her own family that was taken away from her.
The second being about a just noble heir looking for his missing father but is thrust into a much deeper conspiracy.
And the third being of the heir's best friend coming to terms with his own image, secretly dealing with loss, and seeing the lengths he will go just to see his friends on the other side safely, even if it means putting the most heavy prices on himself.

But even then you see the stories of so many more characters, each unit has their own unique personality, their own desires, and their own backstories if you look deep enough for them. Prince Zephiel's arc in this game is especially good and in my opinion makes him a better character than before, adding depth to him and fixing some of his 1-dimensional traits in the previous game. The story of Nino and Jaffar are really well handled at being juggled alongside the main story of this game.

The Black Fang members are also all really brimming with personality, I could really only point out two villains that I would say lack any real charm or depth. Along with other members joining your army and having their own separate stories such as Legault.

Overall, the characters really make this game shine, and that's in big part to the Support System and Paired Endings. While it does suck that supports are limited to 5 conversations, just one of those conversations already offers a lot of personality from any character involved with them. And each of the recruitable characters you can get in this game will always be different and unique from each other.

Resident Evil 7 is a game that I personally really enjoyed, though it’s a given considering I enjoy the more horror-centric games rather than the action games. The atmosphere is great throughout the game that makes everything come across as dilapidated, run-down, and abandoned.
The villain cast makes a great impression on the player with their personalities that excel in making them hateable.

I lnow that some have a major issue with the game being in a FPS style view, but personally I never minded it much. After all the series has already changed so much throughout all of its games up to this point that it’s bound to change the FPS view eventually, after all we went from the locked camera angle display, to third-person, and now first person.

I liked the story concept, did a great job of introducing the main character along with his motivations. Plus considering how self-contained it is compared to every other RE game, I feel like it helps this game even more as a starting point for any new fan of the series considering the long story of RE 1-6 would be daunting to anyone to decide where to start.

However I can agree that the third act of the game kinda takes away from the quality, with a location that WELL overstays its welcome and becomes repetitive somehow considering that it’s a pretty linear location. The only positive I can ever find from it being how it showcases the backstory for the “Biohazard” with its origins from various experiments and tests that show its gruesome nature.

But the biggest flaw I can find in this game is the variety of enemies. Even back in the old games of Resident Evil, you didn’t only have your standard zombies to deal with, you had every other abomination that had dedicated backstories as to how they came to be and why they’re in the game whether it was simple exposure to viruses or experimental creation. (Hunters, Chimeras, Cerberus, Lickers, Plant 42, Pale Heads, Drain Deimos, G-Types, Crimson Heads, etc.) in this game the enemy variety is always based off the same general mold enemy but with the options of standard, crawler, and fat. Which is just disappointing especially considering the infection is MOLD, there is SO MUCH potential you could do making mold enemies instead of making the same pile of sludge attack you.
And I feel that they’re not even present much like other horror-centered RE games, where the zombies or enemies would pose an obstacle to you in the way of navigating the game where you had to find alternative routes or paths or decide if you would like to deal with them at the cost of resources.
In this game the enemies are treated as regular obstacles and encounters. I would much rather have them roam around the house and I find paths to maneuver around or clear out rooms that are essential.

I feel like this game would really have benefited A LOT from the ambient eerie music tracks of old RE games instead of straight silence. The creepy atmosphere does a lot of favors but eventually when the game is just SILENCE and nothing bad happens to keep you on edge you eventually don’t feel any tension. There were some times when I roamed around the Baker House with NO fear of consequence unlike the Spencer Mansion in RE1 where the music had me on edge IN EVERY ROOM AT ALL TIMES even if I had cleared it of enemies because of the tension being kept consistent and present.
But this game does have some good tracks such as the save room theme but god do I miss the ambient tracks.

Does RE 7 have flaws? Yes, even if the game went back to its roots for this entry it still lacks some of what made RE 1-2 amazing for me, but I would much rather take a Resident Evil game that focuses on making its own identity and sticks to its guns on its gameplay and atmosphere than one that attempts to please everybody in the crows and loses any sense of identity the way RE6 does.

This game is a good game for having started the Zelda series. I can definitely see how it was an instant hit in its time, being the best open-world game at the time, the dungeons being great "Underworld" segments, and the items being great in use most of the time.
But that doesn't mean it does not have its flaws, I heavily recommend bringing a guide or a walkthrough to play this game and pretend you have a "Treasure Map" or something. The amount of invisible bomb-able walls is absurd, hidden burn-able trees are awful, and the dungeons just aren't discoverable at a certain point.
The combat is actually pretty fun though, some enemies can be a pain such as Wizzrobes and Darknuts but once you get to a certain point you can kill them pretty easily.

This game in my opinion is the Breath of the Wild in the Wii era of Nintendo games. They made this game feel so open, most of the galaxies feel unique and open. The soundtrack is incredible, often making you feel like you're in an expansive galaxy, and it has a lot of excellent tracks such as Rosalina's Observatory, Gusty Garden Galaxy, Buoy Base Galaxy, and Melty Molten Galaxy.
And even then it's amazing that this game is now 17 years old, and it still holds up to the future Mario games including Odyssey, Wonder, and 3D World.
This game is incredibly influential to me and partly shaped my love for video games today, I firmly believe I would not be here rn playing all these varieties of games without this one to play throughout my childhood. But albeit, this game is amazing, it does have some flaws, the biggest to me being that some galaxies feel incredibly similar such as the bee and autumn galaxy. And especially the beach galaxies.
But eitherway, this game is amazing and I'm convinced it will stand the test of time.

This game does an especially great job of capturing the dread of Resident Evil. Just walking around the R.P.D hoping that I would not get ambushed by a bunch of zombies, a licker, or Mr. X when could hear his gigantic footsteps. And sometimes causing my own suffering by going into a room I left a bunch of zombies in and forgot about them just to get reminded instantly of their existence.
The gameplay is fantastic, controlling Leon and Claire feels amazing, and the movement is great which gives a big boost to the gameplay when it comes to outmaneuvering the zombies. The puzzles were never frustrating or overtly complicated, the longest puzzle being an extension of exploring an entire area for yourself.
The sound design of the enemies themselves is great, I never got threatened by seeing a single zombie but hearing their snarls and cries still unnerved me, the croaks of the "Ivy" enemies were just terrifying along with their accompanying theme.
Ambient horror tracks are once again used to great effect just like the first game's remake, the ambience of the Umbrella Lap was especially great, even when nothing was happening I felt like a licker would jump out any moment.
The scares in this game were incredibly effective, a licker bursting through a window on Claire's route made me pause the game from how sudden it was, a zombie bashing against a window, every Cerberus being alerted in the basement of the R.P.D was especially anxiety-inducing.
Mr. X is also really as great as they say, hearing his footsteps already puts you in an extremely nervous feeling, and hearing his chase music while not knowing where he's coming from has got to be one of the most nerve-wracking things to ever happen in this game.
The only drawback is I feel that Mr X wasn't as used as much as he could've been in both play routes, but I feel like him chasing you the entire game would've definitely gotten annoying. Ada's segment is fun, but her tracing the electronics was not my cup of tea.

This is a massive improvement of the DS game, and it keeps the formula of the series going well. However it fails to improve upon anything from the previous game intuitively apart from quality of life changes such as the power-up storage system.
Plus this game reintroduced the Koopalings after so long and now they're given lots of love.
But this game really is the start of the stagnant downfall of the "New Super Mario Bros." series up until Wonder. Which is what the series should've evolved to for a long time.
Overall, it's a good Mario game, but without the nostalgia-tinted glasses I have of this game, it's really nothing special, co-op is fun though.

I'm glad I chose this remake to be my first step into the RE series. The way it makes the player feel absolutely helpless in the Spencer Mansion, there's not even that many enemies once you take the entire game as a whole. But the way it hammers in the point that conserving ammo is sometimes better than taking everything out immediately is absolutely great. To the point that I felt I was wasting precious ammo sometimes due to panic moment or realizing I killed an enemy I could've totally maneuvered around, or the game sometimes punishing you for not disposing of some enemies correctly.
The soundtrack of this game is pretty unique in that there aren't many genuine songs in this game, instead opting to do great ambient sound design that actively made me nervous to be in a room or turn a corner not knowing what was there until the static camera show would show me. The track "Macabre Hallway" is a great example of the soundtrack's use of ambient horror.
The story is incredibly fun and offers a lot of replayability whether you want to do Jill or Chris' route, each route is unique in story and gameplay.
The added content to this remake such as the Trevor family does a good job of showing how evil Umbrella Corp. is from the start along with the enemies in this game doing a pretty good job showing off body horror such as the Chimeras or Hunters.