Game Series With Reliably Great Soundtracks

For series with at least 3 entries. Series names listed in the notes. Specific games listed are my favourite OSTs in their respective series. I'm not really a massive series guy as it were so feel free to leave suggestions.

Souls (I think the Souls games have great soundtracks in terms of fitting the games even if it's not the kind of music I typically listen to)
Mega Man (Note I'm by no means experienced with the Mega Man series so Megaman X isn't necessarily the best OST in the series)
Touhou Project. (I kinda flip flop between IN and UFO having my favourite OSTs in the series, but IN's soundtrack is much more representative of touhou as a whole imo).
Shin Megami Tensei
Sonic the Hedgehog (yes even the bad sonic games still have soundtracks that slap more often than not)


Mega Man
kirby and danganronpa

2 years ago


2 years ago

Seconding Mega Man

2 years ago

Final Fantasy, Mario Kart, Pokémon

2 years ago

Fighting games are perfect for this. Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, King of Fighters, just to name a few

2 years ago

mother, silent hill, professor layton

2 years ago

ace attorney, what ive heard of atelier, im sure splatoon 3 is going to bang
pop'n music

2 years ago


2 years ago

Dynasty and Samurai Warriors

2 years ago

nier, very true

2 years ago

Kara no shoujo

2 years ago

Kingdom hearts has some good tracks.
yoko shimomura does KH so that makes a lot of sense

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