"Huh? Why would you play something like that?"

Ever tell someone about a game and that other person seems completely mystified as to why anyone would want to play such a thing?
Not just anti-games and the usual abrasive stuff but just weird games of all stripes
Also I am mostly referring to talking to, for lack of a better word "normies". Not necessarily non-gamers but yknow what I mean
Submissions Welcome

Less bewilderment and more "where the hell do you even find these games?" type reaction
Actually got a friend to play it lol, they didn't hate it but were mystified as to why I'd played it like 5 times
suggested by @The_Gaming_Doggo Idle games in general
added by @punnypeace
Again with non-gamers, something as fiddly and stressful as a historical sewing sim is admittedly hard to grasp the appeal of
You'd be surprised, I've had a bunch of people tell me they'd never play something "as hard as that". Which I can understand, as I was in that camp, but its hard to explain how DS really isn't all that tough if you've played other action games
VNs in general, tbh
added by @theia
added by @Vee musous in general
Suggested by @MendelPalace. Working sims
Suggested by @Drax. Walking sims in general
added by @TheAlexMott
The pure roleplaying and "doing things for their own sake" seem weird to some used to the ubiquity of extrinsic motivation in the form of RPG elements and the like. Also the obtuseness and lack of direction
added by @faea
added by @Hot_Anarcocoa
Suggested by @MendelPalace. Gory games in general
Yeah okay this one I completely understand lol. Its a frustrating parenting sim based on a depressing as hell consequence of nazi eugenics policies.
Work sims in general, which are both stressful and based on more somber themes are bewildering to some who have only seen a certain type of game shown to them
added by @social_creditor
Suggested by @MendelPalace. Horror games in general, "why would you want to play something that upsets you?" or something along those lines. Tbf I don't really like horror much either so I guess Im in this camp lol
More so with non-gamers, my mother said "why would you want to play something so sad?"
Suggested by @Drax. Similar to Spiritfarer but even more so
I do get it, its a very "non gamey" game about humanizing the elderly through very deliberately non-extrinsic motivation.
added by @moister


4 months ago

"abrasive" "weird" "anti-game" is maybe the highest compliment anyone has ever awarded to Commonplace, thank you

4 months ago

@Funbil hell yeah. I've genuinely played it all the way through like 5 or 6 times. Thanks (and to the rest of the team) for making it

4 months ago

I feel there's a bunch I could add to this for myself, but I don't think they're necessarily "weird". Like stating I enjoy musou, car combat, Simon's Quest, bad fighters, and LCD games would totally get me that question sometimes I feel. Up to you if you wanna add them, just wanted to participate, lol.

4 months ago

Flower's gotta be on there. I adore it, but trying to explain it to someone else usually results in "So... You blow petals around?"

4 months ago

Back when I was playing Destiny 2 fairly religiously, I was often asked why I would rather spend my time playing a game where I was replaying content over and over to rank up, earn loot, or unlock cosmetic items, rather than playing an entirely new game and experiencing something different. I feel this would probably be the same for any loot heavy/RNG "as-a-service game" on the market.

4 months ago

Great list! I think Unpacking would be a good candidate, though I'm not sure what broader subgenre/trend I would lump it in with.

There was a time when the Sims would have fit but that time may be past now.

3 months ago

why would you play a video game bruv? that shit is a waste of time

3 months ago

Take one look at Cruelty Squad and ask how anybody would willingly play that.

3 months ago

Pathologic 1 or 2 should be on here. You suffer with an entire town while being forced to maintain multiple status bars. Oh, and you can't "win."

3 months ago

Great list concept, by the way.

3 months ago

good suggestions all around

3 months ago

I could name dozens of story focused indie games here but I'll just say Kentucky Route Zero because most people do not want to wallow in the sorrow of capitalism in their off hours.

3 months ago

pretty much the entire drakengard trilogy

3 months ago

trying to explain to one of my friends why i like hypnospace outlaw so much has been very difficult because it really is just a game where you browse the internet

3 months ago

Yume Nikki. Can't say if it's as popular now as it was back then. I can safely say someone would ask that question nonetheless if it's not really into that. Hell, wouldn't feel comfortable playing it on family dinner that's for sure.

3 months ago

Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
For some reason not everyone understands why do people play this type of games

3 months ago

This list is basically Animal Crossing Wild World for me.

I like never talk about it to people outside of my immediate friend group but I imagine that if I did the reaction would be something like: "So this fuzzy little game that stripped out most of the cool features of its predecessor (nes games, unique holidays & an explorable island), has overall much less content than any of its successors (lets not get started on QoL features like quick swapping between tools), doesn't even let you use stylus and button play in tandem (one of handful of DS games not to do so) and whose standout feature (multiplayer and wifi content that is needed to get the final Nookington upgrade) is no longer accessable is something you religiously replay each couple of months and consider one of the best video games ever made?!"

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