Very charming and appealing adventure with some of the best sprite art of the 16 bit era but it suffers from having generally average gameplay and every dungeon past the first one has pretty significant problems. The fire dungeon's really slow, the water dungeon has too much backtracking, the ice dungeon is torture without a guide, and the sky dungeon is an insane difficulty spike that demands a lot of trial and error. It can still be a great time though, thanks to pepelegoo and the ways he fits into the game's sequential narrative, as well as probably the best boss fights of the monster world games. But it's frustrating how so many journalists neglect to acknowledge its low points to preserve its status as a 'retro hidden gem'

A good first entry with lots of personality but it suffers from having a lot of cheap microgames that can kill runs abruptly. I prefer Touched.

As time's gone on I've gotten more pessimistic about this one. Ever after patches it doesn't control that great. And overall while I do think it's a fairly well-detailed game for the Switch and doesn't really look 'bad', it butchers the source material pretty badly. It's too detailed to capture the minimalist vastness of the saturn version, and not detailed enough to have the life-like spectacle of AAA modern games.

Not terrible overall but I have no desire to go back to this one. Here's hoping the Zwei remake (if it happens) addresses those criticisms.

This would be a really nice no-frills dungeon crawler if it didn't demand an atrocious amount of grinding - and I do mean atrocious, I ran through Floor 2 of the main dungeon for 3 straight hours and still didn't have enough exp to progress. There's mods to fix this tho, and I imagine fast-forward on emulators would help. I'd like to give it a second chance someday and see if that helps

A lesser version of OG F-Zero with very awkward, loose turning. Maybe it's not terrible relative to other racers but there is zero reason to ever play it over the other F-Zeros

Incredibly solid racing game that's aged infinitely better than the first Mode 7 racer has any right to age

Another excellent Mario game that's unfortunately brought down by feeling shallow during the main run and having the most bloated, unfun post-game collectables. It's still a blast to pick up from time to time but it's something I'd never have the patience to get 100% completion for.

The best Alex Kidd but it's not exactly a high bar

Learning that the MM X3 devs made this one explained why it feels so wrong. If you're gonna play this, you gotta play the modded version that adds faster bullets and sliding to 1 and 2. Helps make an otherwise slow game (on the fucking GENNY???) a bit better.

A decent dungeon crawler with some fun characters buried underneath terrible backtracking, a gimmicky unfun combat system, and one of the worst completion requirements of any game I've played

Just chill and drive. The most simple but appealing racer you can find.

Excels almost entirely on the merit of its art direction. The trippy, abstract cyberspace worlds compliment its often bizarre, off-putting level design well

I'll be the first to admit this game's for masochists with its extremely difficult platforming and confusing dungeon design, but man it has such a lovable spirit. It captures this adventurous vibe that puts me in the best mood, in part from its creative mix of vertically-focused dungeon exploration, playful writing and the stellar Takenouchi OST. It's a shame that its spiritual successors didn't carry the same atmosphere, and that the 3D remake on PSP never made it past testing - being able to rotate your view would automatically bump this up a half-star.

Definitely overrated but perfectly harmless. You walk and jump and throw apples sometimes. Mickey is there. The setting is appealing.

I like World of Illusion more - I know it gets flak for having hardly any platforming, but given that both games sell themselves on the vibe and engagement towards the world, I like that game's aesthetic and spritework a lot better.

It's missing the trademark gun collecting of Enter but plays much better overall, with better movement options and a more streamlined approach to game structure