Admittedly Galaxy is kinda sucky as far as platforming goes but the set pieces and emotion is so powerful there's no way not to get good feels from this game I love it

Childhood favorite that I've played at LEAST 8 or 9 times already. Admittedly the zone selection is a mixed bag; Marble Garden & Launch Base have too many 'gotcha' obstacles that completely impede pacing, and most of S&K's levels besides Mushroom Hill are too slow. I somehow always have a good time with this game in spite of that tho.

Absolutely fantastic and the perfect pick-me-up speedrun platformer but yeah everyone's right metropolis-onward is a massive speedbump that can completely ruin the experience and even after playing sonic 2 a dozen times i still get kinda sick of the ending portion of the game

Yearly installment sports games are typically not my thing but this one's lowkey kino

Just feels and plays really well and has a great suite of music, gameplay modes, etc.

Nice arcade fighter with all of capcom's aesthetic fixings. Gamplay is like a slower hybrid of SF and MvC, which works, but is admittedly not as snappy as those titles. PJ makes up for it with an amazing roster of wonderfully memorable fighters that each sport a hilarious amount of team attacks, each full of personality. It's great fun to just mess around with the huge roster and all the different things they can do.

The lack of an Unlimited Continues mode on the DS port feels overly-punishing and disrupts the flow/accessibility that defined MS over other run-n-guns. On the bright side tho, MS7 is one of the easier entries in the series, and you can thankfully save between stages.

Gameplay isn't as good as 1-3 but it's better than 4-6 imo

Unironically an amazing Atari collection, the touchscreen controls for the arcade ports works incredibly well and single-card multiplayer was raw. Just a very solid collection all-around.

A nice selection of great atari arcade titles with nice presentation but little in the way of worthwhile bonuses.

There's also no save support, so you can't save your high scores, which is kinda the point of these games?

for the record, OG asteroids is really fun, but this version's so ugly and blotchy. Can't really get any fun out of it.

Despite the palm-spinning games, this is Mario Party at its most raw and rage-inducing. No mercy. Straight for the throat. Exactly what Mario Party ought to be.

It doesn't offer anything better gameplay-wise than any of its successors but I'm partial to its arcade-y feel and aesthetic. also the only smash game that really feels like a serviceable party game. there's just enough chaos without it ever feeling as over-saturated and bludgeoning as the later games.

MK64 doesn't have the larger track/character selection of the modern games and its steering and rubber-banding AI hasn't aged well but it's still a wholly well-rounded package that's just as worthwhile to go back to, especially with friends. Simple fun with great charm and infinitely memorable sound direction.

It's a snowboarding game. You can race or do trick competitions. Everything's alright about it, but nothing more.

A pretty decent platformer that admittedly gets too cheap and broken near at around the 70% mark. But it puts the Genesis hardware to great use with great pre-rendered art and pseudo-3D effects, with no compromise to performance. The music's also a bop too.

Nice, humble racer that captures the pod racing feel well and arguably one of the best things to come out of the phantom menace