Game titles that don't lie

Inspired by Mellorine's list:

In an age where the game industry makes alot of broken promises, we should focus on the ones that don't with their game titles.

suggestions are open

Yume Nikki does translate to dream Journal/diary, and the game does have one of those
Alot of people love these games
VVVVVV is an abbreviation of all the characters names.
You can become the ultimate chicken or horse
The tale is located underground
There is a legend of Zelda
It's an 8 hour game, so the end IS nigh
It sure is on the nintendo 3DS
It is an island with Yoshis
The sun does shine, and mario is pretty super
The world does have 3 dimensions
He sure is a hedgehog, alright
Sonic and knuckles ARE in the game
He is a knight with a shovel
There is a biohazard, and a residence of evil
You do go spelunking
It does tell you the origins of Rayman
There are pikmin in this game
that door do be 1000 years old doe
He is made of paper
There are 99 Pac-mans
They are in fact, brothers
There are masks in the wild
You do in fact, enter the gungeon
They do have cups for heads
They do crash into a castle
There are fables about bugs, and an everlasting sapling, too.
The game does take place on a theater
Yea those sure are the names of the characters alright
There are agents for Mayhem


2 years ago

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS - It sure is a Super Smash Bros. game for the Nintendo 3DS (same thing for the Wii U one)

2 years ago

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: it sure is a game about a thousand year old door

1 year ago

Just Shapes and Beats, its a game about shapes and beats,
Anger Foot, It's about an angry dude who kicks stuff.
My Friend Pedro, you sure have a friend named pedro.

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