It’s hard to rate a game that I see as something in between a sequel and DLC. It doesn’t add enough to the formula to be a sequel, but there’s enough there that calling it a DLC seems disingenuous. What I can say is that it’s great. It succeeds because the well-designed mechanics of the original combined with the new venom abilities and the exaggerated swagger that comes with Miles finding his way as Spider-Man. Goes without saying that the game is a graphical masterwork and the music makes you feel like Spider-Man, with the added hip-hop flair to go along with the game’s theme of ‘be yourself.’

The game to revitalize the series after so many grew too resent the shifting focus to action. While I enjoy the action-packed sixth game, Resident Evil needed this game to come back. A return to survival horror in the first-person captured the desires of the original fans of the series and new fans because of the popularity of first-person horror games at the time. One of the scariest games in recent memory, 7 knows how to do horror. Among that, the exploration of the Baker Mansion is great fun and the boss fights capture that campy feeling that I love in Resident Evil games. A good horror game isn’t just scary but fun mechanically and this is a great example.

It’s the original Mario platformer that is so important, it’s hard to rate it. It’s fun to play, but I never go back to it over the other Mario games. Certainly a must-play to see where it all started, but not the game to go back to when the future Mario games are 100 times better.

The best 2D Mario game, period. Perfect visuals, music, level design and everything else. Just play it.

I picked the game up multiple times and always burn myself out on it really quick. The narrative and writing is great, but because of how dense the game is, I try to do everything and never end up finishing the game. I resolve to finally finish it when the next-gen upgrade rolls out. The game deserves as much.

For what it is, it’s great. However, the game is nowhere near as good as 2. It prioritizes action over horror, which isn’t bad, but the mechanics don’t fit that style. They were built for the claustrophobic RCPD, instead of Raccoon City. Still, the game’s biggest problem is that it’s less replayable than 2. There are no separate routes, Nemesis is more scripted than he was in the original, and the game is easier, so there’s less need for optimization. Even with all that, the game is super fun for the shorter time that it sticks with you.

The best kind of remake. Large differences to give the game its own identity while also taking a number of cues from the original. The atmosphere is perfect and makes the game as scary as how we all remember the original. Really fun to play and replay as the games mechanics are built for optimization through multiple playthroughs.

I played this game after 4 and 5, which guides a lot of my opinions on this game. I love it, with a fantastic narrative being weighed down by dated gameplay. Tartarus is hard to get through after playing through Persona 5, with it being extremely tedious. But that flaw is made up with a fantastic cast of characters trying to move through the most thematically relatable narrative in the series. I played the game at a time when life was sucked dry of its meaning and I was lost. Persona 3 told me that that’s okay and we just have to keep moving on and make the most of what we have, because lee aren’t around forever. The game didn’t help me turn my life around, but it did tell me to take a step back and try harder. To put in a little more effort and make the most with what I have and that’s wonderful.

Played it after playing the 3DS game. Fantastic, but the improved visuals and gyro aiming makes me view the original as the inferior way to play.

Nostalgia is playing a big part in this rating. It’s my first video game ever and I played the hell out of this game, even when I couldn’t read it. Objectively, it does not deserve a 4.5, levels aren’t as varied as some of the other Mario platformers, the blue coins are a pain, and there are countless shines that are way too frustrating. But, I love this game. It looks beautiful, the music is my favorite in the series, and I actually really like the changes to platforming that FLUDD brings. It’s a flawed game, but it’s my flawed game.

The definitive way to play remake and the additional Yuffie episode is a great addition to the game. But what’s more impressive is that they actually made Fort Condor fun to play.

I always appreciate remakes that feel very different than the original. This is one of the best examples. While most would prefer a more traditional battle-system and the same narrative, I am happy with the changes. If I wanted the original, then I can still play it whenever I want. Games are much more exciting when they surprise you. In regards to the game, it has some pacing issues and only covers Midgard, but I appreciate the greater world-building that the narrow focus provides. And it goes without saying, but the game looks and sounds amazing.

The definitive version of Dark Souls 2. But not a large enough improvement to warrant a higher score.

I like Dark Souls 2 more than 1. It was my first souls game and the game carries that magic into what I consider a more fun game. Looking back, Dark Souls is more of a one-time experience for me. While Dark Souls 2 is a game that I come back to, time and time again. The gameplay in 2 is better, the progression is better, I prefer the music, and the PVP is the best in the series. Still, I understand why people like the first more, the interconnectivity and greater freedom. But 2 is more fun.