Story that rivals Bioshock 1. It's that good.

More linear than the previous games but the story is intriguing enough, ignoring how convoluted it becomes at some points. Shooting feels more arcadey as well but it's not without satisfying stunts you can pull.

Hardly any different from the original, though it really didn't need a remaster tbh. Still a masterpiece of an FPS.

Underrated sequel to a masterpiece. Combat is an improvement over the first with upgrades and decision-making feeling a lot more weighty this time around. Charging cyclones with other plasmid elements is something that must be experienced man.

My favorite FPS of all time. The atmosphere and story are something to behold. Gameplay is also pretty enjoyable due to the plasmids and ammo types that can interact with each other. Choosing to fight big daddies always causes me to second guess myself if I'm fully prepared or need to become stronger. Decisions in general are key in this game. I somehow was never spoiled on the plot twist for a decade of this game being out and I wasn't ever the same after witnessing it firsthand.

Wack balancing saved by a really unique story mode.

Best fighting mechanics and roster in the series.

Solid improvement over the already excellent Doom (2016). Level design feels more varied and the movement mechanics are incredible versatile, making combat feel more dynamic than the previous game.


Good combat and controls. Enemies are varied and challenging.


You can play this on a calculator

Alright zombie game. Repetitive and doesn't really do anything new with the formula but plague heart raids were pretty fun. I also enjoyed the base building to an extent.

Fun ARPG with some tough bosses and awesome soundtrack. Camera and level design can feel clunky at times.

Up there with Modern Warfare as the best COD campaign.

Decent campaign further carried by a great zombies mode. Mods are insanely fun.