I spend a lot of my weekends on the horror streaming service Shudder. The Quarry is an interactive Shudder movie - like most of Supermassive's output, but with a better balance of humors than a lot of their work. I have one complaint, and that is I felt like the ending wasn't sufficiently explosive enough. I figured it must have just been how our playthrough unfolded, but I wasn't able to find a route with the kind of chaos I desired. In contrast, I made it to the end of Until Dawn with only one death, and then lost nearly everyone all at once. I think the actual climax of this game occurs a bit before the ending, and that causes the remainder of the game to feel a bit lackluster. Oh well! Loved all these kids, had a great time!

Really weird! It's still Front Mission, but all of the additions feel pointless or unnecessary, where a lot of things that could really use some cleaning up (like what they've done with Tactics Ogre Reborn) don't receive any attention. This is not published by Square Enix, but by Forever Entertainment, who also did the Panzer Dragoon and House of the Dead remakes. I'm a bit concerned for the Front Mission 2 and 3 remakes, as those are some of the best games in this series.

I think this is worth playing if you've never played Front Mission, but my genuine advice is to play on easy (or normal if you must) and just blaze through this. The harder difficulties aren't really worth it with this port, as they just add flat % health and damage modifiers to a game that already has a lot of RNG.

Front Mission has always been cool, and maybe one day we will see it come back. Perhaps if Armored Core 6 brings about a new age of hard scifi mech war stories. I bought this because I want to see future Front Mission games, but I don't think I would tell someone not previously initiated to pick this up.



This was like a long demo for a better game to come later

The depiction of mental illness here is not good and gets in the way of a lot of the aesthetic stuff that is good. This is not a game that is empathetic to mental illness, it is one that gawks at it, as you can best see with the decision to lie about your save file being at risk. Tricks like this and the 3D voices are here to simulate sensations, not to induce empathy. A stellar performance from the lead actress and incredible art design save this from being an outright wreck, but this could be so much more if the writer leaned into what it does right and away from what they think is an "educational" psychosis simulator. I felt even worse about this after watching the included documentary.

I thought this would be a fun afternoon, I didn't realize I was going to get SO into it.

There were times I thought I wasn't that into this, then I saw Ending E.

I just love mess! Unironically adore all these rough edges. I'll trace this games crooked spine with my fingertips; love this horrible beast.

There isn't much story here, and the translation is rough. However, there is a LOT of build variety, and a really solid foundation for an action roguelite. If you're looking for a good action roguelite and don't necessarily need all of the trimmings, this is a perfect pick-up.

Huge improvement in every way over the original

The head of DC film studios wrote this

Replayed recently and it holds up better than I had thought it would

Extremely high highs but middling lows keep it down. The cannery put me through a lot, emotionally.

Not as bad as people make it sound; 4 stars for Carlos