Very solid platformer. I died a lot cuz I have 144p vision but it was very fun despite all of that since you don't really get punished for dying.

I loved the fact the environment changes as you progress the story, it reminds me of Mega Man X where each stage would change depending on who you killed and it just makes the game feel a bit more full of life and makes you feel like your progress mattered.

Ori was a joy to move with, by the end of the game you had so many movement options that some of them felt redundant (the orb-throw-switch-launch-movement). But I don't mind that, I'd love to see streamers incorporate this into their Speedruns and see them go even faster than I could. The dash was also super fast and satisfying.

The soundtrack kicking in during intense scenes was awesome, also I loved how the controller vibrated when the Owl Mama is getting close to you signaling a ruthless instant death.

I didn't follow the lore too deeply but I can say I superficially enjoyed the story and it's tragedy but it paid off and you could walk away with a good lesson from it. (I'm still team Owl Mama tho).

Ori was a fun experience and you should definitely give it a shot if you like Sidescrollers.

I played this because I saw some wild shit in some Instagram Reel and what happened was batshit insane but what really stayed with me after the reel was the voice acting.

I really like how much effort goes into the voice acting, even the intentionally bad voice acting. This has a sort of "I don't give a shit and made this whole thing in 5 minutes" kinda vibe but it still manages to be entertaining.

I occasionally consume Visual Novels but I really recommend this one because it looks like something you and your homie would cook up high on some Adderall at 3 am.

Gonna go play the sequel now.

The Gameplay. The Music. The Art Direction. The Story. The Characters. The Vibe. The Replay Value. The Fun.



Could've been a really good horror game but oh well.

bitch i finished this game like 10 times and platinum-ed it I have nothing to say anymore just go fucking play it and appreciate it.


OST is a 5/5, if not for the OST, this would've been a 2/5.

I really came into DOOM looking for fun, unadulterated fun where I shoot demons and feel like a badass. Instead, it felt like a chore.

The gameplay got repetitive pretty quick and that would've been fine but it is just a slog.

There were parts where you're supposed to "explore" the map but I kept losing my fucking way (ik skill issue blah blah) and wasted so much time that I forgot what game I was playing. The waypoint is so garbage.

I played DOOM in 2022 but dropped it cuz I didn't vibe with it. I then came back in 2024 and I was feeling better about the game but it still ended up being something to do instead of something to enjoy.

I played Ultrakill before this and that game is a 5/5, sure, it's graphics look like ass and the "gore" is just painting the walls red instead of seeing detailed organs exploding, sawing demons in half, punching out a demon's eye, etc. etc.

I think the reason I liked Ultrakill way more was the speed and the freedom of movement so maybe I'll like Doom: Eternal more cuz it has a grappling hook but I don't give a shit about for the foreseeable future.

I love Doom Guy, the IP is amazing, the concept is so fun, I'm just kinda sad it didn't live up to my thoughts. It just felt underwhelming.

Again, idk why Ultrakill and Doom feel so different in these regards. The core gameplay of Ultrakill was just more fun for me even with the 144p resolution graphics.

ahhh, fuck it man, I'm gonna watch a youtube video comparing these two games, can't be bothered to think critically after the last few hours of playing this game.

I haven't finished it cuz the final ACT 3 is not out yet but damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

this is fun, I played doom and dropped it, but this just hit different you know

also the OST keeps edging me on so much, first time where I had to go over 800 DPI on my mouse cuz it was hard to follow the enemies with all that movement💀

fun game, play it.

edit: played Layer 7, Violence, game is still PEAK

I went into this somewhat blind and only knew this game was a "video game adaptation of Gone Home" - Dunkey

It was a fun short but fun interactive experience, I wouldn't say it knocked my socks off but the way the story ties into the gameplay was pretty novel even though it felt obtuse at times.

I think I may be missing something because there wasn't much weight to each of the stories but you could attribute that to my speedrunning mindset whilst playing the game.

The environments were extremely detailed and it was fun to see at the visual cluserfuck (I say this in a good way).

I really hope something like this gets remade in a more... hmm... meaningful way? idk lol, it's better than a visual novel?

I liked it but it didn't hit as hard as the last one.

It still has a lot of well written jokes but the endings don't really give me enough dopamine. Like when I got a guy to jump off the roof of a building in the first game, that high was amazing.

Here I just kinda don't feel the same dopamine rush despite bullying my lesbian girlfriend into being straight.

Still fun though, looking forward to a sequel that's longer and has more branching paths.

I could give a 5/5 to the soundtrack alone but they included a kickass game alongside it.

This game is my childhood. I am 100% biased and love it regardless of how it actually is.

The feeling of getting motivated by Zero even in the intro stage, I remember that shit even though I was a kid, that line hit hard. Only for Zero to FKING die at the end, it fueled my rage, then the spiderboss kicked my ass.


I never thought something with the worst graphics could move me in the best ways.

I don't wanna say anything about this game except please play it.


Felt more like COD instead of RE, except for that Cooling Chamber Alien: Isolation-like boss fight. That was pretty good.

It was better than RE 3 but not as good as RE 2 so I give it a 2.

I didn't really like the setting, Villages are boring, at least RE8 had a cool castle and villa. Even though there's a castle in RE4 it feels kinda lackluster and felt monotone.

The novelty of the combat was fun but it wore off quickly.

Ashley was a mixed bag, on one hand, there were interesting puzzles and situations where you had to juggle defending her and yourself but at other times it felt annoying and like a shoe-horned gimmick.

Alas, it was an OK experience, RE2 has the best remake so far.

I haven't played the DLC Separate Ways nor do I intend to.

stop bullying my man BK, he ain't done nothing wrong

when u wanna see hot bikini girl but want to work hard for it.

I rage quit this game 5 times and I hated it until I played it the 6th time and learned you need to take a right and go up the hill to progress normally.

Peak Game Design.

This game changed me and...

Hold on, lemme play it again to see if the game was dogshit or not.