As far as PS2 era horror games go this one is pretty well above average. I love the vibe and I think the game starts off really strong. My experience was kinda broken because I played half the game with invisible enemies thinking it was supposed to be that way. As a result I was low on supplies and didn't get good until way later. When I subtract the frustration stemming from that I think the game is actually pretty well designed and I liked exploring the mansion. The puzzles are generally not that complex but I'll take straightforward stuff any day over wandering around aimlessly. The voice acting is terrible most of the time but I found it really funny. Story is pretty whatever.

As mentioned before my opinion on the combat was undercut by issues with my third world PS2. However, I do think some of the chapter 3 enemies are really annoying. When they shoot projectiles it feels straight up unfair.


Great with your buddies. Game really just exists and isn't that amazing but it was never meant to be. It's like a shitty Risk of Rain.

Writing as a PvE Co-op exclusive player.

Survival games in this format are nothing short of miserable. There are no forks in progression and you have one singular goal at any time. This singular goal usually entails grinding the same subset of enemies or scouring for resources for hours at a time. People generally praise this game for the combat, which is mostly good but sometimes frustrating. Nothing new if you're familiar with Battlerite. You get a lot of abilities and spells but they range from useless to redundant. The sunlight mechanic is exclusively annoying. The boss battles, specifically at the end of the game, are the highlights. It doesn't justify the games flaws for me though.

There are many features that exist for PvP alone, so when carried over into PvE the game gets 100x more insufferable. If you play PvE it is a necessity that you enable warping with items and disable durability.

I do not imagine there is a world where playing this game solo is a good idea. Friends make it tolerable.

Although I got basically the worst ending, I think there is a chance I get filtered when I go for the rest, so I'm gonna mark it completed now. If I wasn't told what this game was like before going in I likely never would have given it the time of day. I think that's what the average blind experience would be. Viewing it as something to overcome was a really strong motivator and it gives a great deal of value to every minor victory. It also makes the big discoveries that much more satisfying. The game has some pretty sickening content that manages to work in its favor. I can't think of another game that was able to elicit such honest feelings of revulsion and discomfort. It is not for the faint of heart.

The game is unfortunately pretty unstable. It's one thing to lose tons of progress from unfair mechanics, but the game crashing feels a million times worse.

To be clear, I am a Pokémon fan and I’d go as far to say I pretty massively enjoyed playing this video game. I want to give it a much higher rating. Unfortunately there is no amount of fun that justifies the performance and visual quality in current year. It’s all been said a million times so I wont harp on it too long. I am part of the problem since game freak has my $60, but we will continue to see games like this until a mainline game manages to crash and burn for it (never).

If you like the series you will always like the new game, plain and simple. They know what has worked and that will not change. The changes that do exist are generally welcome but somehow there are still steps back from Legends.

I wouldn’t say the open world is good at all, but the structure of it helps the game a lot. The world level doesn’t scale or anything but the progression literally just goes bottom up so it’s hard to fuck up. I like that there are 3 separate quests that add up to the main story. I wish they felt more important before the straight up climax. I also wish gym leaders were actually challenging. Music ranges from mid to badass.

Defending this game’s faults makes you delusional, but it’s still an enjoyable game. Calling it garbage, while true in some capacity, is equally annoying. However, this game’s quality is indefensibly poor for the biggest franchise in human history. If you are on the fence, do not follow my example. do not support this game.

This game is not the living hell people make it out to be, although I imagine it is if you were a high tier backer. This game is largely inoffensive and even feels nice to play sometimes. Unfortunately the budget is not reflected in any way. Boring cutscenes, some wack levels, and a horrible final boss. A couple things bothered me about the movement. It feels nice but Beck has some momentum involved that can ruin your precision. This killed me many times on the highway level featuring instakill floors.

The most egregious thing this game did was take up my entire CPU. It would run fine a lot of the time but randomly decide to run like shit and slow down my ENTIRE system. This happened on one of my final boss runs and I nearly broke something.

Hella confusing, I barely understood what was happening half the time. Not the most fun gameplay in the world but I kinda loved just seeing what happens next. Game has more than its fair share of inconveniences but there's nothing that ruins the whole experience. So despite the middle of the road gameplay, I never felt like I couldn't keep going. I still had to take breaks every now and then since it can get repetitive.|

Anyway glad I played.

Had so much fun with this game and I'm really happy about it. The Pikmin games have such a high standard of quality (except for the one) and it survives all the way through to its fourth iteration. I was apprehensive about the dog but when I learned it was basically a new take on a second captain I was fully on board. The way this series changes with each sequel is perfect. Adding quality of life changes to general gameplay while introducing new mechanics and content that don't overstep what makes the games so fun since the very first one.

My complaints are that managing your squad combined with Oatchi can be a real pain, and pikmin behavior around movable objects has some weird quirks. I also think there are a couple too many timed challenges.

As all idlers, it's dopamine slop. The bare minimum of what can be considered a video game. It's basically a fidget spinner. Shout out to SimpleFlips.

This game is a little sad because it's actually super fun to play but it's held back by exactly what you would expect from an NES game. The first few levels are great but into the endgame it gets insufferable. The biggest issues are the presence of lives and how enemy respawning works. It also sucks getting caught on walls when you don't want to. Much like classic Castlevania, the game's controls feel very deliberate and hitting a flow with them feels awesome. The cutscenes are a bit verbose but I think they're cool.

Abused save states big time. Doing otherwise should be classified as self harm.

Cute! I like Pocky and Rocky! Woooo!


I am pleased to report that DOOM is, in fact, fun. I like to think I enjoy boomer shooters in general so it would have been a heartbreaker if I hated the OG. The later levels got a little too maze-like for my liking. I had some miserable low ammo moments also but it was my fault for not saving often.

Make way for the king gtfo Foddy

It's a game and I only played it because it's short and I like Pizza Tower.

Thanks Mort.