The finest 2D Super Mario from the classic era. The game features beautiful artistic design, an outstanding soundtrack (the concept of music changing depending on whether you're riding Yoshi or not is brilliant), and substantial replay value thanks to the abundance of secret levels (and a secret world).

Oh, I almost forgot, the fact that the map and enemies change upon completing the special world is a fantastic touch, even though the game doesn't reward you for 100% completion.

This game is a true masterpiece of its time. The gameplay is incredibly fun, and the story, although it weakens after a certain point, is very well executed, and the ending truly leaves you devastated.

Better than "Arena" but still filled with terribly tedious things.

They improved performance, slightly enhanced the sound, made changes to the stages that I personally liked more, added new power-ups, and balanced the missions much better. In conclusion, this is the "true" Metal Slug 2.

What more can I say? It's the classic Super Mario.

It's a very simple game by today's standards, but it's still just as fun.

It's a very fun "Run and Gun." Compared to its sequels, it falls short in mechanics and content, but it's still equally entertaining.

I didn't expect the game to keep me so glued to the TV screen. Its atmosphere, audio design, narrative, characters – everything seemed incredible to me, and the combination of live-action with the game engine struck me as one of the most unique and interesting things I've seen in a game of this kind.

Now, I don't feel the gameplay is as 'aged' as many claim. It's enjoyable, but being a 'Survival Horror' game, there's too much action, and the difficulty on 'normal' doesn't really limit you since they provide too much ammo and batteries. The car controls are horrible, not unbearable, but very annoying when turning and maneuvering.

Anyway, what a pleasant surprise the game turned out to be. I still need to complete it on 'Nightmare' difficulty for its 100%, and also the DLCs.

The game is "ok". It has good music, it's very colorful, and the humor of the series is present. The story feels like a random episode of "Adventure Time," and the gameplay is like "ZELDA 2" but with the ability to craft things.

One thing that did bother me a bit about the game was the backtracking. Having to repeat the same mini-levels every time you go back for something can make you go "Ahhhhh, what a hassle." However, this doesn't amount to much since the game is extremely short; you can finish it in a single afternoon.

Certainly didn't age well at all. Completing this game was dreadful.

"Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei" is a remake of the first two Megami Tensei games released for the Famicom console. This remake doesn't change many things from the original games, but it does improve certain serious issues they had.

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei 1:

The first Megami Tensei is a torture machine, it's a game so unfair in many ways that your own mental health ends up being affected by the pile of crap that hits you from all sides. In this remake, things change: demon levels are a bit more balanced, there's an automap, the game gives clearer hints, there are more healing and fusion zones, and they made it so that demons that drain experience levels don't use the spell as much. If you want to play the very first "Megaten," then try this remake, so you won't end up losing your mind and having mental wounds. That said, it's still just as tough, rough, and claustrophobic as the original version.

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei 2:

Megami Tensei 2 improves many things from its predecessor and adds elements that would later inspire the creation of the "Shin Megami Tensei" franchise. In this sequel, we are presented with a highly appealing open world, many new demons to recruit,  and a fresher story for the time. This remake doesn't change much from the original game; they simply balanced the bosses and demons, and there was a reduction in the encounter rate of demons... which is still just as high.

Oh, they also added an Easter egg with Jack Frost, if you follow the steps correctly, you'll be able to recruit very strong demons to make the final stretch a bit easier.

If you're curious and want to experience the origins of "Shin Megami Tensei," play Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei, the suffering isn't as intense, and in the end, you won't have the desire to gouge out your eyes and ears. Unfortunately, the remake clings too much to the original versions, so there are no changes in gameplay, making it feel quite outdated even for its release time.

It's an entertaining game, but it lacks a "Sprint" button, some missions are poorly balanced, and the AI of the "heroes" is absolutely terrible.

In multiplayer, it's a chaotic yet enjoyable experience.

This compilation is only worth it for Sonic CD, Sonic R, and Sonic Fighters... everything else is "meh."

The beginning of a whole legend.

Playing this Zelda without a guide is a true torture, imagine the poor children of the 80s trying to finish the game.

Wario Land 1 is a good collectathon, although quite short and easy. The game is a lot of fun, and it's great that they decided to create a whole series of platform games with Wario.