it's no Debiru Sabaiba...but at least it IS Debiru Sabaiba Tsu... 😭😭

pure undisputable peak, defined a whole new style of open world and the one game i would give anything to experience for the first time again 😭😭

hollow kino, cherry please dont release silksong right after i am a husk in the ground 😭😭


pure kino, the shining bastion of the roguelike genre, it truly doesn't get better than this😭😭

generational game that took over the internet, gave us sans undertale haur haur haur 😭😭

dont play this if you're a youtuber with more than 100k subs or you're gonna be catching some allegations in 5 years 😭😭

multiplied the amount of wrinkles on my brain by 7(7x0=0) but also british robot... 😭😭

they put the speedrun tech as part of the mf level design its so over platformer bros...😭😭

it's a necessary design feature for 2b to look like that i swear taro bros please believe me 😭😭

wow breaking the law, breaking the world, kowaseeeee 😭😭

remember when we thought this was gonna be galaxy 3 then it turned out to be so much better 😭😭

changed my life and made me 1 foot taller, 4 inches longer gave me a 10 pack and the knowledge of a thousand men instantly upon completing 😭😭

the best bethesda game is the only one not made by bethesda 😭😭

true kino, many have tried and failed to take the king's throne but nobody will ever match up 😭😭

true peak of co-op, a dozen different game styles in one and all of them somehow done well 😭😭