30-Day Video Game Music Challenge

I saw NOWITSREYNTIME17's list (they made a newer list here's a link) and felt inspired to give it a shot. Gonna adhere to the hard mode, which is to have no repeat games. Here's a link to the template if you wanna make your own!

Day 7: Music from an indie game
It's Pizza Time!
Day 1: Title Screen Music
Day 26: Music you like from a game you haven't played
Ashes of Dreams (English Version)
Day 25: Music that gets you pumped
Devil Trigger
Day 24: Music you have constantly stuck in your head
Heaven Up
Day 20: Music from a racing game
Dolphin Shoals
Day 11: Puzzle game music
Day 14: Music featuring vocals
Rules of Nature


Day 6: Music that makes you feel relaxed
Day 4: Music from a console exclusive series
Don Flamenco Match Theme
Day 13: Music you like from a game you don't like
Count Cannoli Boss Battle
Day 28: Music that makes you nostalgic
Title Theme
Day 12: Music that makes you sad
It's Over
Day 27: Music from a handheld game
Day 19: Cover of music by a different artist
Rainbow Castle
Day 22: Town/village music
Ahead On Our Way
Day 5: Hub world or overworld music
World Map
Day 18: Music in a game released the year you were born
Robo's Theme
Day 21: Music you associate with frustration
Monkey Caves


Great picks!

3 months ago


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