The Definitive WoodabaTM Mainline Final Fantasy Ranking

there has never been a bad mainline final fantasy game is the thing. they made one once in 2010 but they obliterated that game from existence so its fine.

Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy II
The dungeon design is miserable but otherwise this game is lightyears ahead of it's time mechanically and narratively. Genuinely astonishing how such an old game with so little to work with technically is able to produce such complicated feelings.
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
I played this originally on the PSP and it was a nice chill thing to plug away at on the bus to school and then the ending happened and I loved it so much, Final Fantasy has always been On One
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy III
Honestly it would probably be above the original if the Crystal Tower wasn't such a trainwreck
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
it's essentially inexcusable how slow the pacing of this game is gameplay wise, but once it opens up the battle system owns. yeah it's a corridor but when the corridors look this nice who cares. 12 aside FF has never been particularly open. the story is a mess but it's a mess with some incredible moments and ideas
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
the first game on this list that i didn't enjoy. nothing happens the whole story except right at the end when they try to cram a game's worth of plot in at the last minute, the battle system is fun but gets repetitive because of how limited the enemy roster is and the game makes awful use of it's genuinely quite good soundtrack. really disappointing after XIII-2.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Collector's Edition
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Collector's Edition
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy X-2
literally every aspect of this game is great. the story rules. the gameplay is incredible. the soundtrack slaps. i'm paine.
Final Fantasy Type-0
Final Fantasy Type-0
"This makes it 600,142,973 times."

Final Fantasy XIII-2
Final Fantasy XIII-2
it simply fuckin rips
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV
fully understand why people think this game is dogshit but this was one of the most emotional experiences I've had with any piece of media sooooo eat shit
Final Fantasy XI Online
Final Fantasy XI Online
I am Ozymandias! King of kings! Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII
It is simply one of the best video games that have ever been made. Junction system forever.
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
just like the ultimate rollercoaster, not got a lot going on thematically but it's just a riot from start to finish. plus it plays really well! probably the best bosses in any ATB game.
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XII
much like Final Fantasy IX, the world is wonderful and the dialogue is fabulous but the story falls apart in the second half. unlike Final Fantasy IX the gameplay rules. gambit system forever.
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy V
The job system is really fun but the story has nothing going on. Faris is a king.
Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy XVI
made by, and for, The Spoony One. wretched shit
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
A better future is possible. Take it in your hands. Make it so. Don't ever let them tell you that this is all there is.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
if you think Tidus is lame you're just a loser sorry to break the bad news buddy. he's simply a wonderful boy
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
Obviously, it's great but between Cid the Funny Abuser and Literally Everything in Wall Market this probably has the lowest lows in the entire series
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
the story is nice even after it falls apart in the back half and it always looks lovely but honestly, it plays like total ass
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
The second half kicks ass actually y'all are just mean
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers


3 years ago

wowe wood yorree so rigjt and smrat and cuet

3 years ago

thanks john

3 years ago

much to think about here
This is such an interesting list in terms of unique ranking, placement, and takes that I have no choice but to sincerely respect and stan even if the LR and XV placements are my kryptonite.

Curious though, no 7R?

3 years ago

@QuilDewIvy It honestly just slipped my mind, I guess mentally I just don't consider it "mainline"??? Might put it in but if I don't it's basically equal with the original FF7 in my estimation

3 years ago

this list existed for about half a week before i changed my mind lol

2 years ago

every mainline final fantasy game is now on this list. but already i seek the next challenge. the ceremony means nothing to me. time to play SaGa.

2 years ago

Nice list, but I'd like to point out that criticising V for having a 'nothing' story is like watching porn for the plot

2 years ago

my response to that would be that I'm not as enamored with FF5 gameplay-wise as others are so it's weak story lets it down for me more than it would others.

2 years ago

Fair enough! I love the reviews you've written on the other FF games so far, would love seeing what you have to say on FFVIII if/when you get to it. That's something we both agree kicks ass

2 years ago

I could write the longest comment ever wrote on backloggd but I'll limit myself to say that this is a lovely list.

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