The Let's Play League

Games that I've watched someone else play to completion, but haven't completed myself. I've probably forgotten some. It might not count as "played", but it counts as something!

One of the speedruns my wife likes to watch at work.
"Try before you buy" and then I just got caught up in the story, lol.
I'll get around to these eventually. Particularly this one.
I didn't really understand the mechanics when I tried to play it, ended up watching someone else.
Was curious about the infamous ending fight, but didn't have access to the game.
I thought I'd get more out of watching an expert play it with trivia than playing it myself.
Scared/humorous LP
Humorous LP (Super Best Friends Play). Not a game I'd be interested in playing seriously.
Actually couldn't find this game off youtube.
Has been in OOP licensing hell for like a decade.
Scared. Though I might have ended up playing the first chapter myself, idr.
My wife played it.
The gameplay was a bit too hard for me, but I still wanted to see the story.
Even if you amass four adults with gameboys (as we did), it's a little difficult to get together for long enough to complete the game yourself.
Humorous LP.
Couldn't physically deal with the hand-eye coordination stuff and gave up.
Wife played it
The original DS version.
My wife was playing it.
Humorous LP/scary? I guess?
LP = content warnings + reading at my own pace.
I never got past the first section when I tried to play it.
My wife was playing it. The spaceship controls are beyond me.
Timers are stressful.
I got halfway through Chaos, ended up watching someone else play through all of Law.
"Last Note" etc. There's no way to play it in English.
Humorous LP
At the time I was fully convinced it was too hard for me. Though now I'm considering playing it.


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