This game is unironically life changing. Holy shit.

I literally can't score this when it's not even a finished game, so oh well.
Please don't ask me why it's my most played game of all time.

You know how I mentioned Hades was "probably" the best Roguelike game I've played? I'm preeeetty confident in saying Hollow Knight is definitely the best Metroid-Vania game I've played. This is not only phenomenal, but historical.

One of the best lesbian romances I've read.

Wait this is a puzzle game?

"Pfft, Undertale? That's so 2015, I doubt this holds up any good."

It held up pretty God damn good.

Ain't nothing like a funky beat.

Alright, fair game: The writing got better, the characters are substantially more likable and interesting, and holy shit this is easily the Danganronpa game with the best plot and cases. Can't pretend this wasn't one of the most emotional experiences I had, and it was with Danganronpa out of all series.


Probably the best take on the Roguelike genre I've played, what a phenomenal game.

Fun to speedrun with a very interesting story.

Talk about aesthetics, this game's presentation really stands out. Besides being spicy fun with it's "mostly challening but never unfair" difficulty.

Decent "plug and play with four friends" game.

Quality Metroid-Vania experience.

This is how you make Anime Fighting Games, for sure.