I've never played a game that dropped off so fucking hard after the first half in my life until I played this game.

Probably the hardest NMH game to get into since it is very dead simple with its gameplay, and you do kinda need to play it in co-op to have the most fun. But other than that, the gameplay itself is fantastic, the music is fucking baller, and the writing is incredible.

Whoever wrote the "Downward fucking dog!" scene should get fucking fired. At least the music's good.

I flipflop between this one and 3 being my favorite, but this game is basically perfect, and the best Suda game to introduce to anyone. Everything about this game is unforgettable, whether it be the bossfights, storybeats, or music.

Probably one of the best immersive sims ever made next to the entire Deus Ex franchise.

Very hard game to describe and to recommend to probably anyone, but in general I think next to NMH1 this is the best NMH game, especially on a gameplay standpoint. The combat is very simple but very fun and easy to pick up and put down. The bossfights being the standouts yet again and probably being my favorite in the entire series. Easy recommendation to anyone. But this game WILL leave you in the dust on story details, so make sure you play NMH1 and TSA first!

Fixes literally every issue I had with the first game and more. Standing as one of the most unique games I've ever played along with the first with even better graphical fidelity, making the artstyle and designs pop out even more and look better. I genuinely believe that this is one of the best looking PS4 games that you can ever play.
Music is again fantastic and even remixes some tracks from the first sounding even better, elevating the experience of getting to older areas from the first game tenfolds, and making you feel absolutely incredible during bossfights, don't think there was a single track from this games OST that I disliked.
Combat again isn't the best, but once you completely turn off the motion sensitivity for the controller the game plays much much better. It's still not the best part of the game, but there's more variety to it and isn't very difficult. But the gameplay in general is still fun. Much like the first game, the most fun thing to do is just flying around exploring the cities and meeting all the people. Playing through every sidequest just made the experience better, seeing their little story arcs, and in some cases they even intertwine in other sidequests. It's a very very lovely game.
And the story of this game made me fuckin' cry like a bitch dude. Easily one of the best games I've played. Just wish they didn't shut down the servers barely a year after it came out, making several of the costumes unobtainable. Other than that, it's basically perfect.

One of the most unique and fun games I've ever played. The mechanic of flying around the world never got boring to me, especially in part due to the incredible artstyle and music this game has. My only gripe is I do wish the combat was a bit better and that there were more side missions than challenge missions.

The most unredeemable piece of shit I've ever played. It's like a complete 180 from the last game and is a slap in the face to anyone who likes it. It actually confuses me how much this game sucks.

Every single time I play this game, it's like I've played it for the first time, the combat loop in this game literally never gets old. Something I think everyone should play atleast once.

This is the first thing I think of when I think of a 10 dollar Xbox Live Arcade game

I wouldn't really call this "survival horror" in any sense other than the atmosphere, but this is definitely one of the most unique games I've played, aside it being literally Twin Peaks: The Game. Combat isn't the best, but it's still got a really fun gameplay loop with memborable characters.

This would be my absolute favorite Persona game if the gameplay wasn't the worst thing I've ever experienced in any rpg I've ever played.

This is quite possibly one of the funniest "Of the time" games that could ever exist. I don't get how people can call this really a terrible game or worthy of being one of the "worst ever", it's really not that bad of a game, just doesn't play very well in general. I don't think you can play a game where you fist fight Osama Bin Laden as the final boss and not have fun.