30 Day Video Game Challenge

Nothing here!

Very First Video Game
Favorite Character - Emil

The amount of feelings I have about this character is too many for words
Underrated Game

This game is ridiculously fun, and it's a shame more people haven't played it.
Guilty Pleasure

I don't really understand the concept of a guilty pleasure because I don't feel guilty for playing games I like.
Character you are most like/want to be like

Tess - I too stay awake all night to avoid The Horrors and fall asleep at work (minus the coffee)
Most Annoying Character - Corrin

I fucking hate all of these games, and this is the one time I wish the protag was silent
Favorite Couple - Elster and Ariane

Remember the promise
Best Video Game Soundtrack

Lena Raine has never missed in her life
Saddest Scene

Spoilers below

Playing as 2B in the lead up to the bridge scene will probably live in my brain as the most shocking sequence I've ever had the misery of experiencing
Best gameplay

I can't think of many games that I could play for hundreds of hours and still feel fun and satisfying to play afterwards. Horn and Charge Blade are peak experience
Gaming System of Choice

Excluding PC, 3DS had some of my favorite games, and I miss that kind of handheld gaming
Game Everyone Should Play

Very straightforward gameplay with a lot of unique charm and fun. Everyone should become stronger in their dandori
Game You've Played More than 5 Times

I have over 400 hours in this game
Current gaming wallpaper

Outer Wilds has a gorgeous credit art I instantly made my wallpaper
Screenshot from Game You're Playing

I'm on my minmaxing bullshit again after the newest update
Game with the best cutscenes

This is the best interactive cutscenes game ever made


Favorite Antagonist

I adore Badeline. Celeste is an incredibly written journey of self-discovery, and Badeline is such a wonderful representation of the fears, anxieties, and uncertainties that come with getting closer to your goals.
Favorite Protagonist

Makoto Yuki - Spoilers below

I'm not usually the type who likes silent protagonists, and maybe this is me conflating his personality with the portrayal in the movies, but Makoto Yuki feels like a genuine character with his own personality that develops and changes over the course of the story through character interactions and learning to deal with the variety of conflicts thrown his way. While he's meant to be a self-insert, silent protag, he still manages to feel like his own character that grows into his own with his gradually changing responses to the social links and story around him. It even feels like he also learns about the beauty of the world in all its strangeness and wonder through showing it to Elizabeth. Starting as this brooding character with headphones always in who is very secluded due to repressed past trauma and gradually becoming someone who comes to care for those around him even in the face of inevitable death is an incredible arc for someone who you control. It is perfectly parallel to Aigis's own character arc who goes through much the same thing of starting with a very secluded and limited world view to learning to love and enjoy all of it and everyone in it. His arc leads to a beautiful finale of confronting that very concept of death head-on and defeating it with the ultimate sacrifice that could have only been performed by someone who learned to love the world and everyone he met on his journey.
Game Setting You Wish You Lived In

I can't post a screenshot from this one, but know that my other choice is Splatoon.
Favorite Genre - Metroidvania/Action-Adventure

I love games that have well-designed worlds for me to explore and traverse with cool and fun movement. Good combat is really just a cherry on top, but most of these games tend to have it anyway.


Best Story

I will never emotionally or mentally recover from this game
Disappointing Sequel

While this game builds really well on the previous story, the puzzles being reduced to area gimmicks without building on each other and interacting in interesting ways outside of a couple exceptions was incredibly sad. It made the game feel like I was breezing through it and resulted in a pretty lacking final puzzle sequence that left me unsatisfied.


Best Art Style

God I love being a bisexual
Favorite Classic Game

I played the shit out of these minigames, and I still would
Game You Plan on Playing

I've been so excited for this game for a long time, especially after getting invested in Hyper Light Drifter.
Best Voice Acting

While these VAs may not be the most well-known, their lines are forever iconic.
Most Epic Scene

The Metal Gear Ray sequences have to be some of the hardest scenes concocted by human hands
Favorite Game Dev - Supergiant

I think by sheer amount of games I love from them because they make really good games that feel like they have a lot of love and care put into them. Heart Machine, Game Bakers, and French Bread come close though.
Game You Thought You Wouldn't Like, but Ended up Loving

I'll be honest, I've been burned by the souls experience before. As much as elitists love to tout the difficulty and tedium as "part of the experience", running back through 800 enemies for the 50th time just to get a try again at getting better at the difficult boss sucks. However, Elden Ring corrected a lot of the tedium for me and just left the challenge, which I enjoyed way more than the standard souls experience, on top of being a great open world to explore.
Favorite Game of All Time

Truly a one of a kind experience that has left me emotional and speechless to this day. I have never found a game that replicated the feelings I got from playing and beating this game, no matter how I search. Some have come close, but nothing has resonated with me quite like this one.


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