imagine paying $70 for the same game LOOOOOL

This review contains spoilers

> becomes head of biggest corporation in city
> still looks for pennies under vending machines

this game is 15 dollars

15 bucks
15 smackaroos
1500 cents

and id gladly pay four times that for this mastapiece


This game has been circlejerked into oblivion, and for good reason

it really is a masterpiece

Extensive lore, lots of content, great dialogue, an awesome gearing system, an intriguing story and two brilliant DLCs

This game is great and if you enjoy RPGs, you won't be disappointed

i have thousands of hours on this game

i could’ve spent that time jacking off, bad game

amazing platformer with great level design and a very catchy OST

pretty fun

shame about the bad bosses, lackluster OST and lack of QoL (objective markers etc, ran around for 30 min trying to find a goddamn plant)

i love platformers and this is a really good one

played it blind, went blind from crying