Gameplay SUCKS but I Love You

Yeah I know the gameplay is like 70% of the game but TRUSTE ME BRO THOSE 30% BRO.

Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Planescape: Torment
Planescape: Torment
Fallout 2
Fallout 2
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
The Silver Case
The Silver Case
Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
No More Heroes
No More Heroes
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
Roman Sands
Roman Sands
Jet Set Radio
Jet Set Radio
Mizzurna Falls
Mizzurna Falls


2 years ago

strange journey gameplay is good smh. teleporter mazes are fun

2 years ago

ep plays fine, is makes sense though

2 years ago

What is that 30%?

2 years ago

Strange Journey and Mega Man Legends play just fiiiiiine. Hell, I'd even go further and say Strange Journey in particular is fun as fuck.

2 years ago

strange journey is just zoomer world of sloth

2 years ago


2 years ago

From the title I thought they would be all "anti-games" and well, there are some like No More Heroes or The Silver Case. But I'm really intrigued how you can say jojo's FIGHTING GAME is good if the gameplay sucks.

2 years ago

Heritage for the future is the best shitty fighting game of all time. I respect a lot the art style, how creative it is, and I really enjoy doing doing dumb fun battles occasionally (with some rules of course no one wants to fight kakyoin), but if I were to actually play it seriously, I'd rather just play literally anything else.

2 years ago

Actually, Sector Eridanus was the best dungeon. If the rest of Strange Journey was more like it, it would be a solid 5/5.

2 years ago

imagine playing the game with sector grus in it and saying >yknow what really sucked? the best dungeon in the game

2 years ago

i honestly think the gameplay of everything here is really good except for like NMH1

2 years ago

I dare you to play Mizzurna Falls, C_F
I had a lot of fun with NMH gameplay

2 years ago

i am playing mizzurna falls rn lol

2 years ago

How you prefer a game that unpolished that requires you to press L1/R1 to turn more than NMH is beyond me

2 years ago

I'm absolutely stupid and love NMH1's gameplay, ALL of it! I can't even really explain why but there's something about that core loop of zoomin' around that ""open world"", building up to the climax of the ranking battle levels that just gets the brain worms worked into an ecstatic frenzy.

Definitely agree on most of the others here though, and admire the choice to slap FFIX here with the rest!

2 years ago

I made that comment before starting pissurna lol
Ye the controls and needing to refuel car suck

2 years ago

Oh ok we agree on that lmao the game really shouldn't have been published like that

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