Job systems are always fun.

Gameplay is absolutely atrocious by modern standards; ARPGs are a genre that really only got better with time. Soundtrack is unbelievably gorgeous and evocative, just try to forget that the composer is a netouyo now.

Opera scene is amazing, rest of the game is whatever. Perhaps the quintessential "mash attack to win" experience.

The clock tower in this game is pretty hilarious. One of my favorites as a kid and I still kinda love it despite its flaws and annoyances.

Great pacing. Still one of the best when it comes to blending an RPG battle system with other gameplay styles.

Best soundtrack in the entire Megaman franchise. Game itself is pretty all right too

The SNES equivalent of a AAA blockbuster. Gorgeous and streamlined, but kind of vapid once you look past the surface.

I don't like this game much myself (the humor doesn't really click with me, and I think it has pretty serious balance problems throughout), but I respect people who do.

I loved this game as a kid (the Mother Brain fight is a fond memory), but every time I play it as an adult I just like it less and less. The map design is very disjointed and Samus just doesn't feel fun to play as.

Literally it's SMW. I dunno what to say about this. No way I can rate it since it's the first game I ever played to completion as a kid.

Fun gameplay, extremely obnoxious writing. Too many forced elevator sequences (masking load times?)

The actual platforming levels and time trials are fun, too bad fully 1/3rd of the game is gimmicks and vehicle levels.

Lots of questionable design if you go for 100%, but otherwise a much more polished game than the first one.

Lots of annoying level design, getting 100% is not at all worth it.