Incredible game. Absolutely too hard for me. I played it for about 2 hours and said fuck this forever. I couldn't care less if the little girl makes it up the mountain. I can tell that I'm the problem (bad player) and not the game, which is perfect and fair, and uses checkpoints in an interesting way, and if you like these games, you'll like this one. But if you don't like this game like me, you'll know that you suck, not the game.

Perfect video game. Teaches players about the Meme and the Sons of Liberty, a perfect introduction to parapolitical thought. The SOL are military, government, and (most importantly) business leaders who set the agenda for the world. That agenda is drilling oil. It's no coincidence this game takes place on an oil tanker and and oil drilling station. The meme is the cultural programming that occurs when the government controls all media flow (take 2023, for example). Your beliefs are not your own: they are programmed by the people in charge, the Sons of Liberty.

Despite making you play as Riden, this game rocks. I played this on PS2, Gamecube, and PS3 and I'd boot it again on any system.

It's a Metroidvania where you go down. Usually, maze games like that make you go up, as well as left and right. In this one, you mostly go down. There are robot cowboys, but it's steampunk, and many people HATE steampunk stuff. I beat this in 4 hours while suffering from LIFE-LONG DEPRESSION. It's pretty good and I enjoyed the breezy difficulty.

Great game with a good moral: don’t clone super soldiers. Teaches players about the gene, the code inside you programming your destiny before birth.

Mario gets a magic hat that turns him into stuff. It might just be the best game ever made.


Amazing game for ripping off a demon’s arm and using it to beat him to death.

You have to get every Waddle Dee or they get tortured.

Good game for lying and pressing buttons quickly. It’s fun to manipulate friends!


Amazing game about a Greek guy that was too hard and I gave up. Jess beat it though.

This is the best game ever made

My dad started being nice to me after he got famous.

Great game about bugs that got too hard and I gave up

I like making big muscle cars and helping out hot babes. It might be the best game ever made.