Where this game loses me is narratively, this series is based of a book and is frequently praised for it's narrative. But as someone who didn't read the books I felt like I was missing a ton of context in the story. There's so many story beats where you meet a random character for 3 seconds and Artyom decides to then follow them and agree to their every order because? reasons? You're supposed to care about these characters but the game never really bothers fleshing them out. Doesn't help that all of the dialogue in the game is delivered with very poor voice acting, and the main character, who's internal thoughts I am interested in hearing, is the only one who never speaks (outside of loading screens, which makes it even more jarring). Overall I think the big picture story and themes are interesting, but the story presentation and delivery is a massive miss.

Enjoyed the story, atmosphere, and characters for the most part, though the VA performances varied in quality quite a bit. Combat is unfortunately really monotonous and the game throws an insane amount of it at you, turning a forgettable combat system into something you strongly dislike by the end of it's 10ish hour long campaign.

The gameplay is unfortunately, quite bad, I'm sorry but Bethesda's shitty engine just does not mesh with survival horror well. A lot of people describe this section as difficult but I think it's just kinda tedious and repetitive. Pixel hunting for those radios especially sucked. Also get ready to fight the same enemies in extremely repetitive environments for 6 hours


This is the type of game that cynical people on twitter, reddit, youtube comments and the like are always asking for. Emphasis on gameplay over cinematics, strong environmental storytelling, dense atmosphere, highly systemic with many emergent possibilities, complex and varied level design, unique storytelling and aesthetics.

And here comes Prey, a very rare example of a western triple A game that checks all of the above and yet, nobody bought it lol.

Very content dense and streamlined but lacks the atmosphere and charm of a game like Pikmin 3. Also thought the game was too easy.

Still happy with how this turned out after such a long wait though.

Genuinely don't think any game with this much development time, hype, and money behind it has ever turned out as bad as Starfield did. Possibly one of the most bland triple A games ever made.

Doom fans: Game journalists are so bad at video games! They just don't get it.

Game journalists: Awards Doom Eternal an 88 on Metacritic

Not a huge fan of the third act, but was still great for the most part.

If Prey was MVP Russell Westbrook and Redfall is Lakers Westbrook, then this game is that one year where Westbrook was with the Wizards. Not terrible yet but kinda forgettable and uninspired compared to their early work.

Me: "Wow this game is so challenging I'm gonna be playing it for weeks!"

The Hollowseeker with portal beams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ofJ3THgIA

Good game but the story in these games do absolutely nothing for me. They might as well hold up a giant sign that says "please cry" during the cutscenes.

Xbox finally has a first party hit but they decided to shadowdrop it as a budget title.

Ash tray maze would have been better if the song was Control by Playboi Carti instead

Marx Soul was the equivalent of Isshin the Sword Saint for 10 year old me.