The junction system is so hilariously broken and I love it

I believe I hold the speedrun world record for this game with a time of 45 seconds

This may be the worst pacing yet seen in a video game, and everything surrounding the whispers is the stupidest shit I've ever seen, but it does have Tifa in HD so I think it's pretty good overall.

She final on my fantasy till I'm VII

I think it's really cool how you can beat the shit out of Teddie in this game

I really like the concept for this game, but the story is weak, the platforming feels half-baked with poor controls and awful detection for grabbing pipes/ledges and wall runs, and the combat is so bad I wish it wasn't included.
It is also the only game to ever give me motion sickness, which I did not enjoy.
Overall this game kinda sucks and I don't understand why it is so beloved.

cool bird game where you play as a bird
pretty exciting stuff for all the bird fans out there

mfw I play the Dynasty Warriors spin-off of a game I like and it turns out to be a Dynasty Warriors game (it's bad)

0/10 because Yosuke is not dateable and Teddie is in the game.
10/10 because so cool soundtrack and characters(not Teddie) and RPG gameplay
I think I will meet in the middle and give it a 5/5 (it is my favourite game of all time)

Yeah this game is really cool, but why do you have to do the shitty ass Orochi fight 3 times

would've been better if they called it full life I think

mentally ill girlfriend simulator (i will not fix her she is hotter this way)