30 Day VGM Challenge

Based on this template

Day 1: Title screen music — Brat Overflow
Day 2: Opening level music - Void Symphony
Day 3: 8-Bit music - Battle Map 5
Day 4: Music from a console exlusive series - Proud Fight
Day 5: Hub world or overworld music - Passion For Exploring
Day 6: Music that makes you feel relaxed - Greenpath
Day 7: Music from an indie game - By Your Side.
Day 8: Music from a shooter - Greenslit
Day 10: RPG battle music - Fight On!
Day 11: Puzzle game music - Tree Is Shift - Deep forest
Day 13: Music you like from a game you don't like - Pursuit ~ Lying Coldly
Day 14: Music featuring vocals - Cicio
Day 15: Boss battle music - Birth of a Wish
Day 17: Music you never get tired of - Kina no Kaori
Day 18: Music in a game released in the year you were born - Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2004
Day 19: Cover of music by a different artist - Gymnopedie #1
Day 20: Music from a racing game - Quiet Curves
Day 21: Music you associate with frustration - Climb!
Day 22: Town music - Red Rock Riviera
Day 23: Underrated music - Burning Passion
Day 24: Music you constantly have stuck in your head - Toilet
Day 25: Music that gets you pumped - CORE
Day 26: Music from a game you haven't played - We Are Finally Cowboys
Day 27: Music from a handheld game - The Revived Prosecutor
Day 28: Music that makes you nostalgic - Boss
Day 29: Final Boss music - Despair
Day 30: Credits music - Waiting For The Sun


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