Games I Played in 2023

No replays, no DLC. Ranked in enjoyement compared to each other so their positions might seem odd compared to my ratings. Most importantly, though, I do not care.

Seamless Co-op + Randomizer.

Kinda stretching the "no replay" rule far but this is my list so I don't care.
Would be close to the bottom if the DLC didn't make it so you have to actually use mechanics. Team Ninja's modern desing philosophy of making 90% of the mechanics pointless fluff until NG+/DLC can suck my dick.


See, this is around where SOP would be if I hadn't played the DLC. Wo Long's shit optimization doesn't help either. We'll see after patches...
Played the demo, very promising but very very jank right now.
If it hadn't been abandoned and dead, this would so be my kinda shit...
This is a mobile game, so take this as a cut off. Everything below this and Mighty Doom can go get fucked.
No, Jacob Geller, it having some uniquely weird moments does not make up for it being fucking unfinished sewage.
Play Inertial Drift.
Almost makes you think FROM SOFTWARE had never made a videogame before this one.
I honestly find this one insulting, they completely shat all over Fantasy Zone in every possible way imaginable with this dumpster fire.


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