[Tim Robinson singing] In our world whale bones equal dollars

They don't make em like they used to

Picture in your mind the vince mcmahon gif but between all his reactions is each different planet you visit in this game.

Ambitious and incredibly sad, I thought it mostly achieved what it set out to do. But the Israel-Palestine metaphor was pretty clumsy, and the game feels a bit too long for its own good. But it's so rare for a game to make me feel so conflicted and sad that I have to give it props for that. I'll never play it again.


Imagine being so fucking dead inside that you don't like this game

I thought that it was mostly lesser than Doom 2016, but still very good.

Perhaps the most mid game ever made. Very little is bad (except the world traversal stutter on PC) but the end result is less than the sum of its parts.

A game that's aged pretty poorly, it' still a master class in world design and environmental story telling.

An incredible opening but gets worse as it goes on, until you finally reach the nonsensical ending. But still really happy I played, what an experience. Just play it!

This game is so strange. It does so much so poorly - the stealth missions are straight out of the early 00s, the combat is just batman but worse, the boss battles are often just quick time events, the cookie cutter side missions etc. etc. But they nail the web slinging SO HARD, and the recreation of New York was so impressive, that it ended up being maybe the only open world game where I approached 100% completion (I think I didn't finish all the gang hideouts or whatever, because those are just too much of a slog). So I dunno what to give it.


Charming and it doesn't out stay it's welcome, but ultimately very simple gameplay-wise. A walking simulator where you're a cat... not enough games let you play as non-human creatures.

Who knew jumping could be so fun! Taking off 0.5 for the cutscenes which are insultingly stupid pig slop

Insane how Valve put out the best game of the decade 4 times in 20 years.